7 Day Writing Challenge Day 4 - My School History by @stanleynnah

in SteemAlive3 years ago
Good day Steemians,

Welcome to the day four (4) of the seven (7) days writing challenge, and for today, I will be writing on "My School History".



Primary Education

I started off my formal educational journey at age four (4) at Auntie Christie Nursery and Primary School Oron, Akwa Ibom State. I felt very comfortable with studying at the school probably because I, my siblings, and most of my cousins were all in the school. The school grounded us in the sphere of public speaking as there were always debates and quiz competitions among students which helped a lot in the area of my educational development. The school also had lovely teachers who had passion in their job. My favourite teachers were Mr Emmanuel and Mrs Blessing. The teachers were very nice to us and the good relationship we had gave me an opportunity to act as a junior groomsman at Mrs Bassey's wedding. However, after completing my primary five (5) educational level, I was moved to a new school named Army Children's Primary School, Oron, Akwa Ibom State, where I obtained my first school leaving certificate (FSLC).

Secondary Education

I started off my secondary education at the prestigious Methodist Boy's High School, Oron, Akwa Ibom State. One fascinating thing about the school was that it was founded in 1905 by the whites, and most of the structures that were built as far back as then were well preserved and seen as sacred among many students. The school always had an interesting inter house sports competition which involved football, track events, shot-put, javelin, tennis, and many others. I took part mostly in the football games as I enjoyed that a lot. All the houses that took part in the competition were named after the white men that founded the school. We had houses such as Boocock house which represented the founder of the school, Okpo house, Ward house among many others. My favourite teacher was Mr Oforji who was the Government teacher, I so much loved his style of teaching. I often do attend his classes despite not being an art or commercial student as at the time.

Unfortunately, due to incessant fighting that do occur among schools in close proximity with Methodist Boy's High School, Oron, my Dad decided to withdraw me from the school after completing my senior secondary one (1), and I was sent to a new school in another state. As such, I continued my secondary education at Southland Secondary School Aba, Abia State, which was private school owned Engr Holyver Kcandy Okeke. The change in institution however gave me the opportunity to change discipline, as I had more interest in the commercial class than the science class my Dad wanted me to stay in. The experience was quite different at Southland Secondary School I must say, the landmass wasn't as big as Methodist Boy's High School, and there were very few number of students. However, the academic prowess of the teachers was second to none. My favourite teachers were Sir Nze and Mr Eze. Sir Nze was the literature and Government teacher. He made literature a fun for us and once took us to movie show to watch "the Hamlet" which was one of the literature text we were studying as of then. In addition, the director of the school gave us an opportunity to study practical use of computers, as I experienced my first operations of a computer while being a student of the school. All in all, I obtained my Senior School Leaving Certificate at Southland Secondary School, Aba, Abia State.

Tertiary Education

After making my papers at senior school level, I proceeded for my tertiary education at the prestigious University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State were I was admitted to study Political Science. My love for Government was the major drive in picking the discipline of Political Science. The study of international relations, Comparative Politics, Political Economy, Local Government among many others were the major subject matter in the discipline. It was actually fun being in school as many extra curricular activities were always been held by the departmental executives, we had the dinner nights, award nights, football competitions among the various levels in the department. My favourite lecturers were Dr Stephen Lafenwa, and Dr Idowu Johnson. Their concern for student's educational advancement made them the favourite among many students. They had this mentality of inviting students having poor academic records and advising them on the basic ways to improve.

After a successful project defence

In addition, after graduating with a bachelor degree in Political Science and going for the compulsory one year National Youth Service Corp, I still returned to the prestigious University of Ibadan to obtain a master's degree, with a major focus in International Relations. This period of educational advancement was actually fun, as we had few number of students, and the level of communication and interpersonal relationships was fascinating.

I and a friend during the convocation ceremony


Education plays a great role in the development of individuals as it's a means to gather and develop on our knowledge in a particular field of interest. It's however important to acknowledge the role of informal education in the society. There are many things to learn out there which may not be done within the four walls of the school.

Thank you for reading through.




Wow, it's awesome brother. U've really shown that actually you've passed through those levels of education through your amazing post. I enjoyed reading your post.

Thank you very much.

 3 years ago 

Wow.. Your school history is very interesting. I have always heard of university of ibadan and have a friend who school there. Thanks for sharing your entry with us.

Thank you for reading through.

 3 years ago 

Thanks for sharing with us your wonderful story.Nice entry sir

Thank you very much.

 3 years ago 

Education is important because it exposes us to different people culture and morals.
Thanks for sharing

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Interesting,,, of course education plays a big role in an individual's life. One without the basic education displays different characters from someone who has crossed the four walls.......

It's.a good thing you achieved your goal....

Thank you for reading through.
I very much appreciate.

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