Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 2 (Week 4) The Worst day and the best day of your life - A true life story! - By @solexybaba

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)

Image edited on Canva

Hello to everyone in this great community known as the SteemAlive Today I welcome you all to another great week of the steemit engagement contest probably the last week of this season's contest. today I will be dropping my entry regarding this contest topic in this community that has been tagged ** the worst day and the best day of your life!**. so I beckon you all to relax and enjoy as I drop my entry.




Sometimes in life, we just have to accept the things that we can not change be it a happy moment or a sad moment. the worst day of my life was indeed a pathetic one, that was the day nature decided to separate me and my dad. It was in the early hours of September 9th, 2014 that the sad event occurred. although he was sick we were trying all we could do to revive him. we took him to various hospitals where they ran a test on him which we later found out what the problem was.

He was down with a disease known as the liver cirrhosis. it is a disease that affects the liver of an individual gradually, and so we came to know about the disease very late as such the only option left was to fly him abroad for liver surgery, but we do not have that kind of money to fly him was so painful as I got to see my dad dying in pain and we could not do anything because we had no money for that.

The annoying part was that his sister has children who are well to do and with just a word from her, they will do as she says. but she rather watched my dad in pain as he passed away gradually. the worst was that, she went for an occasion knowing fully well that is brother was in a critical condition and have no one to help but her, instead she neglected him and went for her occasion, and the before she arrived my dad passed away.

I wept so bad, that I could not help it. we watched our dad being fed through his nose and that is so painful. always when he feeds I cry because he often takes the food in pain. there was a day I wept bitterly because there was no one to help out and we tried all we could to keep him, we made sure the times he had to spend with us were worth it until that faithful day when death decided to have his way and then took the life from in him.


The fact that my dad has a sister who can help him out from that situation and yet she refused to render help to us, contributed greatly to my worst day. I was so sad and angry and also wondered what kind of a family is this where a sister does not love her brother. the worst of all was that the younger brother to my dad came and he was all asking my dad what happened to him and what has he done. he thought it was a spiritual attack and he was asking my dad what has happened. after asking him those questions, he left to pass the night in his sister's house living with his brother in a dying bed, how rude and pathetic!

It got to a point that my dad could no longer have the strength to communicate as though he was approaching the hour to go. nobody knows how he was feeling, he could no longer express himself. he was just waiting for the moment. he never got to say goodbye to us all. on the night before he passed out, we all gathered in his room and my mum fed him. he looked at all of us and we bided him goodnight not knowing that was the last time we will ever see him. he left without a goodbye, I was angry and sad, I cried so well because he left without a goodbye it was a tragic moment for me.


I learned a few things from that scenario although it was unconscious learning then it has helped me thus far and a few things I learned from that incident are as follows.

  • NEVER TO DEPEND ON ANYONE BUT GOD - Before the incident occurred, it solely depends on the aspect that one will certainly get help from people most especially your relation. but I was shocked regarding the attitude of my father's elder sister to him when he was. she have children who are in the position to help but she never told them about the condition of my dad and we all know that she was our only hope for the survival of my dad but since no assistance from her nor her children, that was how he passed away.

so from that day, I stopped to put all my hope in man, as we get to see disappointment even from your blood. I started struggling for myself without trusting anyone for daily bread. from that incident, we then realized that no help is coming even after the death of my dad, non of my aunt's children agreed to sponsor any of us in college. we had to struggle and earn a living for ourselves. so we learn to never depend on anyone for anything but God. so that is how we are surviving to date.

  • ALWAYS ALLOW GOD'S WILL TO BE DONE - Before my dad passed away, I had once cried and pleaded that God restores health to him, we equally went to prayer houses to know what was wrong with my dad but nothing happened. we fasted and prayed ourselves yet nothing happened. so I then realized that somethings are just meant to happen in this life. I was 16 years old when my dad died and I was too tender to understand how life operates. I thought God was mean to us that he could not heal my dad but I never knew he has planned all this right from the beginning.

So I have learned to allow God's will to be done in my life. he is the giver and the taker. if he wishes to restore my dad's health he would have done it but he has orchestrated the situation even before I was born, so it was when I grew old I then understand what he did and learned to let his will be done in my life.

  • I EQUALLY LEARNED TO BE STRONG EVEN ADMID THE STORM - It was quite difficult for me, as at then we were looking for money in other to pay for my West African Examination Council exams, and then the sickness broke forth. so it was a downtime for me as I got to see my friends going to the hall while I sat at home because my dad was ill and all the money was channeled to his health condition. often I cried and asked God why were those things happening to me, but then I learned to stay strong and calm even amid the storm.

I have learned to control my emotions and to trust God that all the things that are happening in my life are processes to attain something great in life. so I have learned to be calm and follow procedures and also to be strong in faith and believe that everything happens for a reason.



The best day of my life was the day I managed to start up a business f my own. I have been a sales boy for too long and the reason I was a sales boy was so I could get money to sponsor myself in school as though I got no help from no one after the incident with my dad. I never wanted that to weigh me down so I went in search of a job which I got. I was walking in the shop and I worked there for 6 years. so I decided to take a risky step that will be beneficial to me.

I applied for the jamb examination which I wrote well and came out with flying colors, but then as a sales boy with no help, how can I further my education. and so I believe in God for help. I passed my exam and luckily I gained admission into a university. so I started thinking about how do I do it. I have nobody to see me through this education and if I leave this job for school, how do I pay my tuition fee?

Those were the questions I asked myself but then I was encouraged. I got some money and then I got a shop. since I can't be schooling and working, I decided to start my own business. it was quite risky because at first, it looks like it was not working but then I kept on with the tempo, often time I skipped classes just to open my shop so that I create awareness of the business's existence and it worked.

The day I opened the shop was the best day of my life as though I get to handle a business that now minds and with it, I can further my education so well without any issue of funds. I go to lectures and arrived back to continue my daily business again. and that has been the daily routine ever since then.



There are a lot of things that I learned from the best days and that have been helping e through the huddles of life ever since that day. a few of the things I learned are as follows.

  • NEVER TO GIVE UP - This is a great lesson I learned on that day. if I had given up, I would not have been here today. probably I would have still been in that shop without furthering my education and only God knows if I would have furthered or not. so I learned never to give up in life no matter the situation, we are expected to keep moving forward and never to relent.

  • ALWAYS STRIVE FOR SUCCESS - I also learned to always strive for success because if I am successful, there are things money can provide a solution to as though money is indeed a factor. when I lost my dad, I began to struggle so that I will be successful and nothing like such should ever happen again. I am tired of seeing the lack of money forcing things to happen. so being successful is my aim and with God, I know it is possible.

  • ALWAYS PRAY IN ALL SITUATION AND BELIEVE IN GOD - God is indeed the reason why I am here today. there are things I could not have gotten without the help of God. so with prayers and supplication, I get things from nowhere. so prayer has been part of me and believing in God is a thing I can not stop doing. I learned all that from the situations around me. when others were telling me it won't be possible to run a business and go to school same time, the only thing I did was pray about that, and indeed God is greatly helping me out.


I will like to appreciate this community for all they do. it is good to share both the worst and best days of our individual lives. I just flashed back and saw what happened on both days. it was indeed mixed feelings. and I will like to use this medium to invite a few users to also participate in this contest and they are, @badmus-official, @weasell, @kawsar ad @victoh78.


Thank you so much sir

For inviting me to participate in this contest I will do so eagerly

Thank you sir for your response

 2 years ago 

Your Aunt And Uncle left your father to die without helping him out. It's really a wickedness in the highest place. My dear if you want to succeed in life, don't hope on any body. Just be yourself and work out your salvation. Today you are on your own. Doing your business and sponsoring your education. May the Alright grant your heart desires Amen.

Amen ma and thank you so much for your kind words. Greetings!

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through steemcurator04.

Curated By - @simonnwigwe

Curation Team - The Efficient Seven

Thank you so much @simonnwigwe for your unrelenting support

Watching your dad in pain whilst you know that he can die at any moment is probably the worst moment you can go through. As I read your story it reminded me of a time that my dad was seriously ill. It even caused us to leave school , at that time my twin bro and I were in JHS.

We were staying at a different region from where we came from so my mom was the one taking care of him . As they were moving round hospitals they didn’t see any results so that had to go back home we came from for proper treatment. Since we didn’t have anyone to take care of us we had to take a break from school and follow them home. We missed school for almost the whole term.

I watched my dad endure so much pain , it happened that at one point in time he couldn’t even walk again.

Hard work they say really pays off. You worked so hard and God saw you through. He saw how determined you were and he was not going to let that go to waste.

I like your shop and if I was in Nigeria I would definitely pass by so that you give me a bag😂 or you say still na you go sell am give me 😂.

I like your shop and if I was in Nigeria I would definitely pass by so that you give me a bag😂 or you say still na you go sell am give me 😂.

Hahaha. Thanks so much my brother for your kind words. Greetings and success to us.

What a story, mehn your story touched me a lot, I felt the realness, hmmm thing of such happens, may God never put a cruel person in the position to help us,
I so much don’t know what to comment, such situation is familiar, it is such a feeling that his hard to overcome, am so sorry about the demise of your dad,

I wish you more luck in your business

You have indeed said all lot. Thanks for your kind words friend

You are welcome

Hello, God is the one who governs everything that happens in our lives, grants and dispossesses.
Very sorry for the irreparable loss of your father.
You are a great entrepreneur and with a lot of self-control, this allows you to obtain everything you set out to do in life. Making all your dreams come true, greetings and many successes.

Wow thank you for your words of encouragement. I appreciate ma'am.

Sorry for the Death of your beloved Father. It's never easy to lost someone that is precious. I am happy that you're now doing well more Grace to you. Best of luck to you.

Thank you so much for your words of encouraged. Greetings

 2 years ago 

The post is properly detailed and you answered all the questions correctly.I feel your pains of loving your dad to liver cirrhosis and your aunt decided to look the other way.Life is a lesson.

Determination is one thing that I have learnt from your story.You fought hard to combine education with business.I will call you Mr courage bro.Continue to post original contents on Steemit.

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Thank you so much for your kind review sir.

Hey 👋 bro,

I'm so sorry that hear about the bad news that happen on September 9th, 2014 which happened to be your worst day of your life. It should definitely be the worst day of your life because I can imagine the pains of losing a father. I have been in thesame shoes like you and I can also imagine the pians you went through that day. Anyway, God knows why that happened. May your dad's soul continue to rest in peace

Woow I'm so happy to hear that your best day was when you succeeded in opening your own business. This is great news brother, may God continue to bless you. I'm also happy to hear that your JAMB exams was a success as you passed with flying colors

Thank you so much brother September 9th was indeed a terrible day for me but I thank God for life. Thank you so much for your kind words. Greetings!

You are highly welcome my brother. Greetings 😊

I enjoyed reading through your detailed post. It is a pity you lost your Dad and no relation could come to his aid. True, we shouldn't trust any one for help but God.
I am so happy you are able to start your own business and also go to higher institution.

Thank you so much for your kind words. In life somethings are bound to happen and we just have to more on. Greetings friend.

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