Top 3 In Demand Digital Skills || 10% to Steemalive || Club75

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)
A Good percentage of this World's population use the internet to browse, research, make purchases and trades, there are many people who are responsible for uploading those contents, advertising those products, designing or developing those webpages, making those sites easily accessible and so on.

Therefore, Digital skills refer to skills or abilities that deals with the digital world. They include the ability to use digital devices, software and network to create and share digital contents, solve problems for people, disseminate information and enhance knowledge.


There are many digital skills, but this post will be focused on just 3 of them which are:

  • Content Creation
  • Software Development
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Content Creation or Marketing



    Content refers to anything that can be used to pass information. Content creation refers to creating things like pictures, videos (3D or Whiteboard animations), Articles, Blog posts, Social Media status updates etc. These things help to pass the needed information to everyone that comes across it.

    A website is driven by its contents, so, without well drafted contents, there is no way their viewers or customers will understand the importance of their goods or services. Therefore, Contents are very necessary for influencing the decision of buyers that is why every website requires a very good content creator who will draft quality contents that will attract many viewers and customers into visiting and patronizing their site.

    A Content marketer is responsible for this so anyone that knows the field very well has very high chances of succeeding in the digital world.

    Software Development



    Software refers to instructions that makes the computer system perform many tasks. This includes the programs or applications associated with the operation of a computer or other digital devices.

    Software is divided into 3 major forms:

  • System Software: This refers to the major applications in a computer system. The computer does not function well without this software. They provide core services like disk management, operating system and other operational necessities.
  • Application Software: This form of software is meant for performing specific tasks, this includes gaming applications, social media application, Music and Video players, Browsers, Antiviruses and other categories of applications.
  • Programming Software: This software is mostly used by developers or programmers, they are software that facilitate the production of other software. They include compilers, debuggers, translators, linker, code editors and others.
  • Software is mostly built with specific codes which are referred to as Programming Languages, they include languages like Java, JavaScript, Ruby, Rust, Solidity and so on.

    People who know these languages and use them to develop these softwares are known as Software developers or Programmers.

    The Digital world is expanding, and the same is the demand for Software developer so just mastering one programming language is enough to increase your chances of working even for people outside your comfort zone. Software Development is truly a very high in demand digital skill.

    Search Engine Optimization



    Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the key to popularity of every website. It is the process of increasing the visibility of a website in search engine result pages. This adds to the quality and quantity of traffic that comes to a website. SEO is the sole of any form of marketing done online because people make trillions of searches every year often to get information about products or services. Search is mostly the primary source of digital traffic and that is why SEO is meant to fetch natural traffic to a website.

    Search Engine Optimizers are responsible for this work. They do so using keywords and other factors that may make a website rank higher than others.

    With the establishment of websites daily, the digital world is in great need of Search Engine Optimizers and this makes it a very high in demand skill.


    This is really awesome, i love it ,well done boss

    Thanks So Much Ma'am for having to go through by post.
    I appreciate

     2 years ago 

    This is a very informative write-up....I'll start looking into these. Thanks for them @sammylove

    Perfectly lined up, these skills are very rare indeed.

    We have supported this post. Keep on making great content in our community. Always check @steemalive for community updates. Thank you being an active member.

     2 years ago (edited)
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    You have a wonderful entry, I never knew seo stands for Search Engine Optimization (SEO), thank you for letting me know.

    Thank You So Much for going through my post

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