in SteemAlive3 years ago

Hello steemians

I welcome you all to my diary today. I will be sharing with you all about my travelling experience. Seat back and enjoy.

@ruthjoe and a new friend

Dear Diary,
I woke by 5:30am(Nigerian time), hurriedly prayed and rushed to the bathroom because i was travelling by land and my scheduled trip time was 6:30 am. I thank @Valuequotes for waking me up through his calls else maybe i would have woken up very late. I already packed my things into my travelling back the previous night so i wouldn't need to do it in a rush.
Below is a picture of my bag

After dressing up, i took my bag and left the house by 6:10am. I took a bike and straight to the pack.. Guess what? I got to the park and i was told by the transport company management that the time for the trip has been changed to 8:30am because there was no much passengers willing to travel that day to the eastern part of Nigeria precisely imo state. So i had to wait.

At the park.

The bus i entered.

At 8:30am the journey started, although they were no passengers to fill the bus but we had to leave since it was already getting late.
It takes approximately 10hours from lagos Nigeria to owerri ( west to east).

When we all entered the bus, i noticed my seat mate was always looking at me whenever i was taken pictures, finally he decided to ask me why i was intetested in pictures, i quickly used the opportunity to talk him about steemit. He was really excited and got really interested. I believe he will join us soon.

@ruthjoe and seat mate


As the journey continued, driver stopped to get fuel at a filling station. He said the one he has cant take us for long, he said he doesnot want to get stranded.

At the filling station


The fuel machine

After buying the fuel my journey continued, and we finally met traffic along the road. We stayed in the traffic for about 30min, i got tired .

The traffic Jam

Traffic jam

Finally the traffic cleared up and buses began moving again. The road was free and i was happy. The cloud changed as though it was going to rain and i took a picture of it because i loved its view.

The view of cloud

Second view of the cloud

At about 12pm we were gradually approaching a small town called "ORE" this town is a central place where travellers stop to eat, rest the legs, and use the rest room if need be. Its a very popular place you must meet on your from lagos to the east or from the east to lagos..
We got to ore at about 12: 20pm and our driver stopped so that the passengers in our bus could stretch their legs, get something to eat and use the rest room.

Inside view of a restaurant at ore

Outside view of the restaurant and its surroundings

@ruthjoe inside the restaurant

So i and my seatmate who is now my new friend, his name is Emeka, I told him that 27 may is my birthday and he was so happy that he decided to buy lunch for me. He bought roasted cow meat which is popularly known as "SUYA" here in Nigeria. He also bought some snacks such as peatpie and eggs roll.
The "suya"

The snack stand at the restaurant

The second snack stand

We finished eating at about 1pm and the bus was set to leave, passengers entered into the bus and our journey continued.

By 4pm we got to Anambra state, Onitsha to be precised. Onitsha is one of the popular cities found in the eastern part of nigeria, known for commerce or business. Once you get to the onitsha bridge it means you are so close to getting to Imo state, which is my destination. There is always traffic at the Onitsha bridge, and sometimes, it takes nothing less than two hours to cross the bridge. But today was an exception, there was no traffic at the Onitsha bridge! Wow!





It took us 3hours from Onitsha to Owerri. We met traffic in a small town in Onitsha called "Oba" . my new friend came down from the bus because he had gotten to his destination which was "Oba"

And finally i got to owerri at 7pm, i was so tired, stressed and needed to sleep so i quickly had my bath and went straight to bed without eating.

That is all about my travelling experience!

Thank you for reading!


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