Diary game: how i spent my day monday 18 oct 2021 seat at home//by @russell24

in SteemAlive3 years ago



Honestly i really don't think that i could have a blissful and good day today.
Because i feeling a bit headache when i woke up these morning, i just feel like going back to sleep but i couldn't because i just have a lot to do, so I just need to rise from bad and face the days activities

Morning activities

Firstly, i woke up and pray to God and read some passage of the scriptures is always part of my daily routine, after doing so ,i want and brush my teeth, and took my bath , after doing so i have to take my breakfast, after eating ,i receive a call from a friend , who need my help in fixing his fan.

i have to go to his house that morning , i went there and fix the fan for him , he was very happy for that.

Afternoon activities

After fixing the fan for my friend i have to go to the field because of the sit at home order i have nothing doing at home so i went to the field to play football.

it was really good and enjoyable, it was great i really enjoyed it, even if the game was tough but it was entertaining.



After the match we were very happy because we won 3:2 ,we are were excited we happily went home.


My evening was great also , because of the rain and cold weather, immediately i came back i took a hot shower in order to wash out the heat in my body, and duo to so body pains after bathing i have to drink some pain relieve drugs.

Than after taking the pain relieve drugs, i enjoyed the delicious dinner prepared by my senior sister, i really enjoyed that delicious soup.. you really need to test these soup is was delicious and yummy!!! Duo to how sweet the soup test i over ate.

Wow i really had a great and wonderful day , all thanks to the giver of life ( Jehovah).

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