PROWIRIT-W7 WRITING CONTEST!!!!! TOPIC 7 creative writing ( you will reap what you sow )

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)


hello belove friends how are you all doing I hope that all are moving fine and good am here to tell a touching heart story on a topicyou must reap what you sold indeed this is between a family and a daughter while when reading this you will understand thus the more and I promise you all wipp love this story and also It will teach alot and impact more knowledge let's move


in the kingdom called umumuo🤣 their live a family of four who live in peace and happiness and also things where going well in the entire kingdom. so one-day emeka was live in that peaceful village and also was so so hardworking at his tender age he made lot of money because he was soo so hardworking he also inherited about 6 plots of land own by his father he achieve that because he was the only true son of his father then after the death of his father he took over at the age of 30 he then decide to marry a beautiful women named Mary this woman was so so beautiful and also love to Marry emeka indeed the love each other after their marriage the bore a child named amaka this girl was such a beautiful girl which every man decide to Marry she was the most beautiful girl in the entire kingdom and many girl was jealous of her because of her beauty when he was about 19 years old she fell deeply in love with okpoko who was to poor and poorest Man in the entire kingdom indedd amaka really and deeply love okpoko so so so much she always go to visit okpoko all the time and also wish the okpoko will.marry her their love keep growing and growing and was so so so strong that amaka the most beautiful girl refused to accept all the rich men that came in her hands in marriage this beautiful girl keep refusing all the men they came for her hands in marriage and strongly say she wanted to live with okpoko to the rest of her life she strongly stand for okpoko and he also deeply love her back so okpoko decided to pay half of her bride price because he did not have much but amaka father refused to allow her daughter to live with okpoko untill he finish paying her pride price. time keep going and going years also kept going almost 5 years okpoko had not come and finished the pride indeed okpoko was hardworking but it seems that anything (businesses ) he engaged in will shually break up okpoko was really a hard-working man but indeed poverty keep following him. the family of amaka keep waiting for him until 7 years had passed still no response from okpoko so a well and weathy man called chima who was really weathy and handsome also all the lady in the entire village wish to have him as a husband this man was a handsome man a wealthy and a well known man.
chima so much love amaka that he was always looking for her always but for amaka she hated chima with passion and anger so chima decide to propose to amaka if she will marry him but amaka push him down with anger and ran away refusing his proposal so chima didn't lost hope on marry amaka he then decide to go and meet amakas father telling him his passion and love for amaka and also tell her father that he really wants to marry amaka and amaka father accepted with happiness so when amaka had returned from okpoko house her father then Warned her not to go to okpoko house again unless he will disowned her as her daughter and also told amaka that chima came in her hand in marriage but amaka refused. her father also told her that she have from now to tommorow to decide unless he will disown her and also that chima and his people are coming tomorrow morning for your hand in marriage this really pained amaka so so much but she decided to accept in hearing that okpoko decided to go for his return for the half payment on her pride price so early that morning Chima was seen with his people coming to amaka house to pay her bride price when the reach to her house the greeted everyone and many things was doon after the payment of her pride price he took amaka whom regretted going to this dangerous marriage and also regret why God bring her in that family who definitely deprived her the joy and happiness of her life

so early that morning

so early the next morning after chima had took amaka to his house amaka was so so so so angry with him also she did many things the provoke chima but chima neglected her that morning amaka was inside the house thinking and crying then chima came to make love with her she refused also chima left her then ask for his food amaka who was so angry reply in a disrespecting manner to chima calling him many ugly name like mad man rutualist woman snacher so Chima stood queit amaka was busy shouting at chima this made him angry so he gave her a hot slap she fell and hit her head on the floor and died chima was Soo so sorry for her he tried to wake her up but there was no response from amaka then he decided to pretend that he know nothing about the death of his wife he then came outside shouting and shooting that every one should come for his rescue im mediately people gathered in his house asking him questions of what happened so he said that a snake bite her wife to death many people rushed inside the house while some was consoling him about what happened to his early married wife immediately the news speard whole round the village in hearing this Mary and his husband the parents of amaka ran to Chima house indeed Mary cried bitter and fell on top of the courpse of her daughter crying while her husband was standing and crying as well also he came and console his in law about the death of his wife and everything that happened and said to him that there is nothing the will do to restore amaka life again she is gone and dusted and he should look for another wife to marry after all said and done amaka was buried at his husband house


so after the death of amaka one early morning while Mary was busy spreading clothes a snake from no where bite mary the mother of amaka when this snake bite her it disappeared after the bites mary fell and died so before her husband may have rushed for her rescue she had died he then decide to call all the village members so the decision was to meet the chief because snake in that village snakes are friendly and also does not bite the also welcome visitors and also fight enemies who ever came to kill anyone in the kingdom when the reach to ezemuo shrine he greeted them and the told him their mission so the chiefprest told them that whatever some one sow that's what the person shall eat that their daughter is on a vengence mission to kill are those that deprived her happiness and lead her to her early death this really push in fear to all the elders and the ask who are those the chiefpreist response was that she is going to kill three people who are chima marry who is deid and also you standing in front of me who is emeka the father of amaka she is going to wipe them away from the earth surface so I'm mediately a message was heard that a snake had bite Chima and his new wife to death again this push in fear into emaka and also before the chiefpresit want to stop the problem that same snake appeared and bite chima on the shrine he fell and die



 2 years ago 

Please your paragraphs are too long and I am afraid to read it. Do well to make it short

 2 years ago 

🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣😁🤣🤣😁😂 just keep reading oooo

@emmanu this small story you have started complaining 😂😂

What if you were given to read the full dictionary to read?

 2 years ago 

@emmanu is just so lazy is only food post that he can read without getting tired😁

Yes Mary deserve to die. She's not a good person

 2 years ago 

yeah she deprived her daughter the joy of her life then her daughter in a vegence mission killed her

 2 years ago 

How could a mother be this wicked, well the daughter was finally out on her vengeance mission that why she was bitten by a snake

Thanks for inviting me to go through your post, you can do better next time by endeavouring to write in paragraphs

 2 years ago 

yeah thanks

 2 years ago 

What a hardened story. It's heart touching shaaa. Our parents are not in best position to decide for us whom to marry. But, @richy20, hope this is just an imaginary story not a true story right?
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 2 years ago 

yeah parents should at least let their children take some decisions sometimes


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