The husband is the king and the executive chairman of the family. His authorities are always carried. He has the upper hand in the up keeping of the family. Therefore, he has some secrets.
Do you know that your husband may often be scolded by his boss?
Do you know that your husband may often get insults out there?
Do you know maybe your husband even just risked his life for you and your child.
Do you know that your husband may often hold hunger to get home with money.
Before you frown on him,
Count first how many millions of drops of sweat you squeeze from his body.
Before you get mad at him,
Look at the clingy of his eyes, maybe without you realizing it has many tears to see you smile.
Just know it
If until today he has not been able to fulfill all your wishes, it is only due to the factor of circumstances.
No one is the head of the family who does not want to see their family happy.
Before you get angry with him, look and think about what a husband has done.
How your husband has worked hard to slam bones to fulfill his family needs.
Some father is not good at telling his pain to his wife's children, he swallowed it himself.
He doesn't want his wife's children to know how hard he is to fight. He just wants his wife to be proud of him, of his work
For the fathers wherever they are.
May your tiredness be a blessing,
Let us thank our husbands for all the silent battles they are enduring just to support the needs of our family