My Bucket List: 5 Things I want to Achieve Before Kicking the Bucket by @queensleey

in SteemAlive2 years ago


Good evening great Steemians. I welcome you to my blog this evening. I know you all had a wonderful day and got testimonies to God's glory. I am here again to express my thoughts on one of the weeks Pro-writersHUB contest. I have really missed writing contest posts. It's just well. Sit back and enjoy my post.



When I saw this topic, it stroke something in my mind.... My Bucket List , 5things I want to achieve before kicking the bucket. This is one thing people hardly talk about. Actually, as humans, we hardly talk about death. We can easily say things we want to achieve before we

  • get to a certain age
  • Leave our parents' house
  • get married
  • have children
  • retire...
    We forget that death is inevitable and we need to set somethings at their proper places before we are gone, though we don't know when it will occur. Yet, we need to always have it at the back of our minds.

Let me take you to my future plans; the things I will love to achieve in this life before I'm called 'home'. They are:

  1. making sure my children attain greater heights... being successful in their chosen life endeavours.
  2. establishing and taking care of my own Catering Services to an enviable height.
  3. Travel round the world with my family.
  4. build up human legacies.
  5. be prepared indeed to meet my maker.



Someone will wonder why I make this top most in the list...why wonder? They are my personal Representatives here when I am gone. I can't bring them out to leave them half way. I will make sure they attain the greatest heights of their chosen endeavours/careers including skills. I will make sure they explore their God given talents and gifts. I believe God is the essence of life so, it's very important we know and follow His thoughts for our lives.

Why do you think it's necessary to achieve this?

It is important we know the plan(s) of God for our lives just like I said before. Only Him can help us to attain greater heights on Earth and depart fulfilled. It's by His grace made available that we will conquer all weaknesses or failure.

At what age do you wish to get this done

I believe age is just a number, one can actually any set goal at any time and age.

Once there is life, there is hope.

I am currently 36. My first child will be 6yearsold by October and last child is 1 and 7months. All things being equal, by 55years old, my 1st Child (son) will be 25years old and 2nd Child (daughter) will be 23years old. I believe a son who is cordinated, obidient, focused, etc. would have been fully stable enough as an adult. At that age, must have been done with school... maybe obtaining Masters degree.
Yeah, I will like to make sure that this is achieved least 50years old but latest, 55 years old.

what can be a hindrance(s)?

The only hindrance I may have here maybe lack of cooperation from any of them and lack of financial power. If not I don't think nothing can ever stop me.


2 )


I love cooking. It gives me joy when I cook and people enjoy my food. It is one business that I derive joy doing. I'm a good enterpranuer. I have many skills. I have hanessed my cooking skills but just waiting for the right time to venture into it fully. All I need is good exposure and connection then enough capital.

why is this important to me?

Just as I said before, I love to cook and a good cook at that. I won't mind doing it everyday. Since, I found out I like it, I decide to expand this hobby to a money making venture...that's killing two birds with one stone.

At what age do you wish to get this done?

The truth is that I have started doing it already..small small but I will like for it to be fully established and rooted before my 40th birthday. I want it to be a household name...with other related businesses under it.

what could be hindrances to this plan?

As we all know, money answereth all things. One hindrance an having right now is capital.... MONEY! This is going to be an Incorporated business... A Catering Service with many fact all event Services; cooking, rentals, pastries, decorations,... everything event. The way it is in my head, it will take nothing less that 4million so, you see why I said, money is what I need for this to become a reality.


3 )


Life is fun especially with family and loved ones. My family... husband and children, deserves the best life and I can offer. I don't believe it's only a man can give his family a treat... It's good when you hustle under sun, you eat/ enjoy under air conditioner. I have so many places I wish to travel to, both in and outside Nigeria: Dubai, USA, UK, Cyprus, New York, etc. I need to have my own story not just the ones on our TV screens.

why is it important to me?

He that works, deserves to eat.

If my family has been there for me, through thick and thin, then they deserve to enjoy when there is plenty. This is what makes man happy.

Life has no duplicate.

What could be a hindrance to this?

Whatever can make one not to enjoy what he/she want if not money? If I can afford the trips, why won't I give it to my family who has shown all support... unless they didn't.
Another thing could be ill-health... sickness of one or both spouse.

aAt what age should this be?

I want it even now now. Everything in this world is controlled by or evolves aroundmoney in the pocket apart from the ones God does on miracle grounds... If not

Money for hand, back for ground.

My people will always say, 'ego ji olu'. Money holds the world.


4 )


The best legacy a man will leave for himself apart from his family is human legacy. What I do for my family is their right but what I do for outsiders is a privilege.
An adage in Igbo land says

Okuku adinyi echefu onye kwara ya odu n' udu mmili - meaning that a fowl does not forget he that protected it in the rainy season.

Whatever good you do for people without asking for payment or having an ulterior motive has an eternal reward. If I can help the less privileged, train the poor them to succeed in life, education for those that need it, skill for those that it is important. When they succeed, they will never forget you. Even if they do, posterity won't. That's the best legacy any man can pray for. When my name is in another man's success story. Whether living or alive, I will be happy.

why is this important to me?

This is important to me because

  • this is a selfless venture that even God smiles at.
  • It also has a divine reward apart from those people maybe remembering you and your family at a later day.
  • And it will bring joy to my ❤️ to see other children succeed instead of being lost in the street.
  • They themselves will be happy being an asset no longer a liability to family and society at large, fulfilling their years on Earth.

At what age do you wish to get this done?

Age ke? I am not waiting to get to any age for this to be a success. My prayer is to have enough money to take care of my family and others too. If I should get money to put smiles on another child's face, I will do it no matter how small. I'm ready to do it even now; not tomorrow.

why is it a challenge right now to achieve this?

It's a challenge right now because I am still in my growing stage. I don't have enough money now to make this as I wanted it but I'm doing the little I can here and there. I imagine placing many kids in my scholarship scheme... primary till Tertiary and many going through skill acquisition centers. Won't that be great?. To make our world a better place for all.


5 )


Don't be too surprised I included this as a plan. Yes, many are gone today,... young, old - death has no age bracket.
What people don't know is that we can actually pretty to meet our maker. I heard some people say that they don't know if they will make heaven. Yes, we don't know when you will die, but you are sure to know where you will be at eternity.

The spirit of God bears witness with be our spirit that we are Children of God.

As Christians, we are to be ready at anytime to meet our maker. There are people that are truly privileged to know when they will die, even the day it will be. My father was among them. Only the Holy Spirit can reveal such to a man.

My father will always tell us that he's ready, that he his bags are packed. He used to tell us how a man in white rope visits him. There were several revelation from family and friends about our father's departure.
A sticking one was from my sister. It was a prepare our father that so so date, he will be going home...that it was his love for us that's still keeping him here but the time is fully ripe. He left quietly at 12am, 18th July, 2021 at the age of 96. With a smile on his face. He didn't look all.. what a peaceful death.
I will love to leave like that. It's preparation not an accidental departure.

why it's important to me?

It's a peaceful and joyful death where one is going home with great expectations.

At what age do you wish for this to happen?

It's true no one knows when death will come but we are urged to be ready always. God promises us life till old age...a good one at that. All things are possible through Him so, I will like to live my full years and depart at a good old fullness of time.

There is no challenge and can never be because, it's not yet time...

whatever He hears us say, He will do.


Yes, I can achieve them all. I am not going to gamble with my future, life and existence. I will work towards actualising these bucket list.

The only person that can stop me is ME. When I stop fighting, when I throw in the towel, when I stop believing...when I believe what the enemy is saying than what God has said, then they will not be achieved,if not nothing can stop me.


Life is filled with ups and downs but we should not give up because things are not working out the way we planned it. I have come to stand firm even if life is throwing its ugly sides at me. If I should stand firm, holding on to my God and Faith, everything will balance in due time and season. Remember

The race is not to the Swift...only time and chance happeneth to them all.

I urge you to stay-put till the end so that you will be worth the price.

Thanks for your time and patience reading this long post. I really appreciate it and I'm not taking it for granted.

Special mention...


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Thank you so much @steemcurator8.

 2 years ago 

All your wish are fantastic. I pray with you may God make way for you to achieve all your heart desire. Amen. I wish you success.

 2 years ago 

For a person to achieve his/her goal the person needs God and also needs to work hard and smart.
With all this one can be able to achieve their goals

Of course yes, God is my ultimate. Thanks for passing by.

You have just created an awesome post ma. I pray we all achieve our goals, amen🙏

Amen. I appreciate

 2 years ago 

Wow..... Everyone has this dream of traveling to one place or the other and it's cool
Traveling is part of education, your bucket lists makes sense and may God help you achieve them

Thanks a lot. Travel is one of my hobbies.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for participating in the contest. You shared the things you would like to achieve before kicking the bucket. They are all good and this shows that you are an ambitious lady who has the intention to help the needy in the society. I wish you all the best.

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Woow, thanks for this great review.

You have indeed made an amazing entry..I wish you all the best with the great things you want to achieve..

Thanks dear. With God...

 2 years ago 

wow you are have better mission to achieve before you kick bucket and also I want you to know this it is only determination that will make you achieve them and see them come through I really love this you have done well friend keep it up

Thanks dear. My trust is in Good. He never fails.

May God help you to fulfil your dreams, also work harder and leave the rest for God.

Yes o. Thanks

Cooking is a great skills acquired. I discovered that so many don't know how to cook! Even some ladies but thank God you have developed it and used to as a source of income.

Mmh, it's a choice to learn anything by men, cooking inclusive. That's what makes us who we are. Thanks for stopping by.

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