ProWritersHub : Bribery and corruption - How they affect our society today

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)




Hola friends welcome once again to my blog, I'll be discussing about Bribery and Corruption using the below outlines;

• What is Bribery and Corruption?
• Why is it common?
• Explain how Bribery and Corruption happens in your city, state or country.
• Why is it wrong for public office holders to get involved in bribery and corruption.
• What should be done to public office holders that get involved in bribery and corruption?


What is Bribery and Corruption?

Bribery is the receiving or giving of gift to illegally induce an action or proposal for ones gain or benefit.
Corruption is the fraudulent or illegal act especially by those persons in power. It's that abuse of authority by those persons ruling (the government, police, official body) for personal gain or interest.

Both of the above actions are lousy, illegal and shouldn't be encouraged in our society both by the government and it's citizens.


Why is it common?

Many persons wants personal favour no matter it's cost at times this can result to favouritism. It's very sure that everyone wants one favour or the other but some persons don't believe in waiting, they think their power or wealth can make them achieve that goal fast even if it's not meant for them.


When Person A (Person in power) wants something and Person B (a low standard individual) is also in search for that same thing. Since Person A is wealthy he goes to achieve that target very fast either using his power to oppress and conquer or using his money to induce or bribe for it. The description I gave now is a day-to-day operation everyone always want to achieve something everyday and some persons who has those influence will surely involve themselves into illegal act which makes bribery and corruption very common in our society today.


Explain how Bribery and Corruption happens in your city, state or country.

These acts are very common in my environment and country in general. One good sample I'll use in describing how it's done here is Electoral practice (Election)

Election is one of the major factor Bribery and corruption has been taking place in my country today. It's very simple, anytime Election begins or voting is about to kick-off, the politicians go ahead bribing people with gifts or money to vote them since they know normally they don't deserve that position. Some of them go further to empower youths with arms and weapons to cohesively make people vote them and even still the ballot box. All of these acts simply describes how bribery and corruption occur in the society today.


Why is it wrong for public office holders to get involved in bribery and corruption?

In my discussions today, I'll be hitting the strong or major point. In this aspect, the major reason why it's wrong is because they're suffering the people they are leading. A leader or office holder is one way or the other adding sorrow or sadness to the face of those persons they're ruling anytime they indulge themselves into any of this lousy act. When someone plays trick or uses his influence to collect what isn't meant for him/her, he has caused pain to the other party who's meant to take it. Such person should also know that he's bringing hate upon himself.


What should be done to public office holders that get involved in bribery and corruption?

• Since such acts are illegal hence done secretly, any office holder caught partaking in it should be reported to the management.


• The victim should be arrested.
• If it's a case whereby the victim is employed, such person should be sacked immediately when caught.
• Such person shouldn't be allowed to hold any office position again.



As we've discussed Bribery and corruption shouldn't be encouraged in our society today and anyone who indulges in it should be penalized when caught.


Regards to @steemalive. 10% pay to the community account.

 2 years ago 

I agree with you, so many people wants favor and position that doesn't belong to them and they will go at any length to achieve that position and it leads to bribery and corruption, more to that some wants to cover the wrong they have done as a result they keep doing more wrong.

 2 years ago 

Yeah we've witnessed many of this act in different scenes. But we mustn't involve ourselves in these.

I agree with @afshaan that corruption is everywhere and a major problem. The difference is the scale in each country. I think it is so massive in our country that if you fight it it fights you back

 2 years ago 

If you want to be the "Superman" you'll be discouraged by the number of opponents you'll see. But all I keep saying is we shouldn't encourage it atleast in our household.

 2 years ago 

😪😪 indeed this has being one of the challenge our country is facing now and it has killed lot of souls from what you said I totally agree
Since such acts are illegal hence done secretly, any office holder caught partaking in it should be reported to the management.i have said we'll see you later good bye

Corruption can affect society in many ways, including bribery, stealing, embezzlement, and fraud.

 2 years ago 

Exactly friend...this act has really brought bad name to our dear country. God help us.

 2 years ago 

My dear, corruption is really a bad thing as it goes a long way to breakdown the great walk if success of a nation.

Thank you for this post.

Bribery and corruption also have a negative impact on the economy and societal development.

 2 years ago 

Yeah true... It's one of the factor that has been painting our country bad names and even restricting our citizens from some privilege. Thanks for engagement here.

 2 years ago 

My dear this bribery and corruption of a thing is getting out of hand oooo
Even people who do not have money partake in order activities in exchange for favor

Bribery and corruption can cause a variety of problems including fraud, theft, embezzlement, and even violence. It is not easy to avoid bribery and corruption because it is so common.

 2 years ago 

It's viral now even a Junior secondary student knows how to scam someone talk more of an adult or worst if the leaders are in discussion. It's everywhere now.

Bribery and corruption are two of the most common forms of corruption in the world today. Bribery refers to the act of paying someone to obtain an unfair advantage over their competitors.

 2 years ago 

Very true ...both practices isn't worth encouraging and it's everywhere. We shouldn't involve ourselves in any of these act.

Yeah you right and it is the one of best step for taking good bless you have a good day

 2 years ago 



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 2 years ago 

Thanks for the support @steemalive, we'll keep blogging.

In many countries around the world, there is a huge problem with bribery and corruption. The problem of bribery and corruption is so large

 2 years ago 

It's very everywhere friend and people are suffering from the effect of these practices. It should be discouraged by anyone of us.

Yes dear friends I'm totally agree with you we should also pay our role to stop this

 2 years ago 

Bribery in our country has turned to something else, a lot of people now can't do without bribery.
the leaders who suppose to stop bribery are once increasing it.

 2 years ago 

Many of our leaders are not a good fit for the positions they're today but because of Bribery they're sitting comfortably without worries..😀. God help us in the country.

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