SteemAlive Presents: Lets Write - a 7 day writing Challenge: The Diary Game// What A Stressful Day 12/03/2022, by @princesshope.

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)



Hello my dear Steemians happy weekend to you all hope you are all doing fine today and I hope your weekend is going on smoothly because mine is going on perfectly well, I welcome you all to my blog page as usual where I will be sharing with you guys how I spent my day so guys just relax and scroll down to check check it out.


My day started around 7:45am today when I woke up I brushed my teeth first before doing my other house choice but I couldn't wash my clothes today since I woke up late and my sisters daughter is not around to help her so I just have to leave so I can help her out since she is not feeling too well.

After taking my bath I dressed up and went to the restaurant on getting there I meet only stew on fire and my sister was no where to be found I checked the backyard but I can't find her to I picked up my phone so I can call her to know where she is but before the call could go through I saw her coming so I had to end the call.

So when she came she said she went to buy rice since the one in the store won't be enough to sell for today so I quickly swept everywhere, fetched water before washing the dishes while my sister was busy with the cooking.



Around 12:00pm this afternoon I went to the market to get meat so we can add up to the one we already have in the stew so it will be enough for us to sell because most of our customers like eating meat a lot and I really don't know why they are just like that.


The Market

When I returned from the market I boiled the meat the fried it before putting it in the stew after which some customers came to eat and before we know it the suop is finished and my sister don't want to buy much meat before of tomorrow being Sunday but at that moment we don't have a choice we just have to buy some so we can cook suop so I went back to the market to buy another meat and fresh tomatoes to prepare extra stew.

On my way to the market the bike I board almost hit a boy that ran into us but thank God the bike was able to doug him and we went our way so when I got to the restaurant I washed the meat put it in fire then I blend the tomatoes and pepper for my sister

Around 3:24pm after the whole cooking was over my sister said she is going to take her injection and she will be back shortly and I have to attend chior practice by 4:00pm so while I was waiting for her to return @caleb-marvel called me and we both had some discussion about Steemit and I also asked him some things I don't know how to do and he put me through them all and I was able to understand everything he thought me.


Around 5:00pm when I noticed I was already late I chat up my chior mistress to inform and not sure I will be able to attend the practice because am alone in the restaurant so when she finally came she said I should start going for the practice so I told I can't go anymore because am late and we close by 6:00pm so what am I going there for so she said if it's my choice no problem so I went to buy fuel.

On getting to the fuel station I meet two guys on bike buying fro then so I noticed one of the boy was looking at me but I didn't even pay attention to him so after he has already bought their own they drove off but on getting to the entrance of the fuel station they stop and he asked me to come but I refused and he said he said that this is just how some people will miss their luck so I replied him back and told him I can't miss my luck just because I refused to answer you so he left .


The fuel station

So when I got to the restaurant I on the Generator and I was still talking to @caleb-mavel but I had to end the call so I can attend to a customer and before I know it rain started falling seriously and before we know it water started rushing from outside into my sister restaurant due to the heavy rain and before 30minutes everywhere is filled up the water.

The water is so much that it covered up where customers are sitting down and it's about entrying into the main store where we keep our fridge and other things so we have to start fetching the water outside quickly so it won't get there but my sister said she can't enter the water because she is feeling cold but thank God her Husband and my younger were around so it was the three of us that is fetching the water outside so in the process thunder streaked and my younger brother was holding the door and the strength of the thunder entered the door and shocked my brother.

The shock was so severe that it pushed my brother from the door and he almost fell down but it was my sister's husband that held him from falling and he started complaining of his chest and he was also not feeling his right hand anymore I became really scared because I have never seen such a thing before but glory be to God he was later releaved and I was able to fetch the water along with my sister's husband.


My Sister's Restaurant after fetching the water

After fetching the water I have to start mopping the floor because it's wet and dirty too but I have to go and change my clothes so it won't get too wet because of cold so I changed into my sister's daughter's clothes and it sized me well because both of us almost have the stature but she is taller than me, so I started mopping alone since her daughter is not around to help out before I could finish it's already 7:30pm and few customers started coming to heat hot food but the remaining food is not much so when everything finished we decided to close and go home around 8:50pm.


Me In My Sister's Daughter's clothe

On getting home I just boiled water to take my bath and as it is am already on my bed writing my diary post so I can sleep because the water is cool and sweet to sleep well.


I want to thank everyone for their support in one way or the other and for also putting me through some things just like how @caleb-marvel did today, so guys this is how my day went thank you for reading through.




I like the way you always help your sister with the restaurant. Some people won't bother but will want to spend the money. You are really doing a great job. Well done ok. 👍👍👍

 2 years ago 

Thanks for sharing your Diary game, I can see that you spent you day in helping your sister.... It a very good thing to be done

I quickly swept everywhere, fetched water before washing the dishes while my sister was busy with the cooking.

What an act of kindness, I really appreciate you for helping her so much in the restaurant,... 🍷🍷🍾🍾

 2 years ago 

You are most welcome 🤗🤗🤗

So sorry for your brother, thunder strike is always dengerous Expercially when it comes with a lightening. You did so well by helping your sister in her shop . Thank you for sharing with us

 2 years ago (edited)

Thank you for sharing your dairy with us. Keep sharing high quality posts in the community

Verified userYES

I wish you success in the contest

You are doing great to share you day's activity with us. I really had a busy. Helping your sister at the restaurant is always a good idea as doing it alone would have been much on her. Best of luck.

Well done dear , a very nice post , they cloth really fit u so well.and when it rains no about every where will be messed up dirt. U shall be rewarded soon...ok.

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