My Diary Game: How I Spent My Day 20th November by @princesshope, 10% pay out to Steemalive 20/11/2021

in SteemAlive3 years ago (edited)

Hello dear diary,how have you been?, I hope you are feeling okay today?, Anyway let me tell you how my day went even doure am a bit tied I will still tell you so just relax and listen to me.


hmm I woke up around 3:00am this morning because my parents and elder brother are traveling to Edo state today for a marriage ceremony so after they left I decided to sleep a little before preparing to go to the market since my mom is not around today.

Around 6:00am I was already up putting some things in place before going to the market and I was able to do that before 9:00am and I took my bath and got dressed up to leave for the market.


On getting to the market a customer was already waiting for me so I quickly swept the environment before attending to her and after that I brought out other things and sat down waiting for other customers to come.


Around 12:00pm this afternoon I was feeling board because the sales I kind of slow so I decided to use the opportunity to finish my Art work that I will use in one of my contest in Steemit.

After an hour I was already through with my Art work so I quickly snap it and post it in my Facebook story because it's also a part of my contest and after some time I checked it and I already have 10 views on my post.



Around 6:30pm this evening I was already parking so I can go home and meet my sister because she is alone at home so on getting home I just mad small dinner that we will eat, so after eating we started watching TV before we go to bed but we had no idea that our parents are already on their way back home from Edo state.

So around 8:25pm this evening I just decided to go outside when I hard a car that stopped at the front of our gate so I just said I should check who it was and to my great suprise it's my parents and I was like so quick because I wasn't expecting me to come back so early and they said the driver is fast in driving that why there were able to get home on time.

When they have all taken thire bath they asked me to prepare dinner for them which I did and my mom sent me to give someone something and right now I am so exhausted and I need to relax so right now am already on bed getting ready to sleep so I guess we are done talking for today...... Good night.


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