Yam porridge recipe

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)




Yam porridge is one of the widely known African delicacy especially among the igbos. Yam porridge is so palatable that it is made a compulsory food in most traditional ceremonies. So today, we are gonna be having a step-by-step procedure on how to prepare our favorite yam porridge. Let us start with the ingredients.


  • Medium size yam(any size of your choice)
  • Dry fish
  • A large bulb of onion
  • Fresh pepper
  • Garlic (optional)
  • Ugwu/scent leaves
  • Palm oil
  • Seasoning cubes


  • Peel the yam and wash it, chop the yam into bits, not too tiny nor large.

  • Boil some water and add the chopped yam, allow it to boil for 10 minutes.

  • In a frying pan, pour the sliced onion, garlic and stir for 2 minutes.

  • You can now add your dry fish, prawns, the chopped fresh pepper, salt and seasoning cubes to taste, of course you can add other ingredients to improve your food quality but mind you, avoid too many spices, it is hazardous to the human body.

  • It is now time to pour the already made sauce to the pot of boiled yam and stir properly. Be careful not to stir intensely to avoid turning the yam to a mash, leave it to boil for at least 12-20 minutes.

  • You can now add the ugwu/scent leaves, allow to simmer for two minutes, the popular curry leaves could be used as well, they are all medicinal in nature and improves our meal aroma as well.

  • Wow, and the yam porridge is ready to be served.

  • Dish, enjoy and take a nap afterward, yam porridge could be enjoyed with our local freshly tapped refrigerated palm wine.

Done and dusted

Above are the steps to a successful preparation of yam porridge. You can try it out and trust me, u will love it.
Precious loves ♥️ you all !


 2 years ago 

You have done very well nin teaching how to cook poriadge yam, i know you are still new, next time try to show is step by step of how you prepared your meal
Thank you so much @precious 123, keep publishing quality post on steemalive

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 2 years ago 

I love eating porridge yam. Hmmmm this one here is mouth watering.😋

 2 years ago 

Thanks, porridge yam is actually my favorite

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