SteemAlive Presents: ProWritersHub (W2) -When I grow up - What happened to that childhood career dream?

in SteemAlive2 years ago



Career has we all know is an occupation, profession or life's calling that one has an interest in and work towards being successful in that area of career he/she chooses. They are thousands of careers that many has dreamed of but sadly they haven't been able achieve their goals in that particular career. Some have even dropped the thought of their dreamed careers due to some personal reasons, children have chosen careers without much knowledge on such careers and have ended up letting go of the careers and making other Career choices as they grow older and I am one of such children.

My career as a child

When I was a child, there was this popular matching song we had and it goes this way;

When I finish my education, do you know what I want to be? I want to be a lawyer when I finish my education.

I actually thought of being a lawyer, lawyers are cute, I loved that wig they wore and that was why I wanted being a lawyer, I never really knew what they did in the society. As I grew older, I changed my career, I automatically wanted to be a female pilot, I was inspired when I saw airplanes mid-air and after watching a female pilot being interviewed on the television, I decided to be a pilot at the spot but it was short-lived because I later changed again to becoming a teacher

I finally settled for the teaching career and I have no plans of changing it. Teachers are like potters, they mould and help create a future for the younger generations, they bring out the best in a child and are willing to go extra miles in order to impact knowledge. I realized I exhibit qualities of a teacher because I am able to impact knowledge to others with or without visual aids, I help others learn from my experiences and I feel a great deal of satisfaction teaching others.

Although I haven't made my teaching skills perfect yet, I have been able to impact knowledge on others and I feel great because I have passion for what I do and it pleases me that the different professionals we have in the world today were taught by teachers.

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Reasons for change of careers

1.As kids, most children made career choices without knowledge of what is involved. Growing up, they get to realize this and go for the best

2. There might be a change of career due to pressure from family, friends etc

3. Career choices could be changed due the monetary value involved, people opt for career that offers huge allowances

4. The satisfaction derived from a particular career might be minimal hence leading to the change

An alternative career

If given another opportunity I would have opted for the career of becoming a doctor, my reasons are as follows;

👩‍⚕️ Doctors saves lives
👩‍⚕️So my mum will have peace of mind, she has been pestering me to join her in the profession
👩‍⚕️ Doctors are well respected and valued
👩‍⚕️They put smiles on people's faces
👩‍⚕️There is feeling of satisfaction doctors derive after a successful medical operation

Parents should assist their children in making career choices, since these ones are inexperienced, parents can help them make the right choices by;

🌲Taking note of their abilities
🌲Encouraging them to be self confident when making choices
🌲Not trying to influence their children to make career choices that pleases them
🌲Educating them on different careers and it's impact in the society

I would never discourage my child from taking up a career that he/she chooses just because of my view on the career. If the career is not worth it, I want to carefully explain why it is not acceptable and make my child see reasons with me. Children whose parents make career choices for has ended up being incompetent in such career bringing shame to the parent. I want to thank my mom profusely for encouraging me in my career although she did not approve of it at first, she saw the passion and helped it burn brightly.


Our career choices may affect us for the rest of our lives and making amends at times may be difficult or impossible. Therefore we do not want to rush into any career, we want to take our time to make the right choices and if we happen to see someone who needs backup when choosing a career, we should readily offer the needed assistance.


 2 years ago 

Parents should assist their children in making career choices, since these ones are inexperienced, parents can help them make the right choices.

Fact. This is what i keep telling some parents . assist your child. But dont force him or her in making her choice. Thanks @precious123.

 2 years ago 

You nailed on the head, assistance is just very okay and will help greatly

 2 years ago 

Yes ooo.

I would never discourage my child from taking up a career that he/she chooses just because of my view on the career.

this is most of the reason why our parents fail to do and most of them let their children’s to choice the wrong carrier for their self and they never motivate them, most of them self once they take their kids to school, the won’t never even find one day to go and look for the child self and see how he or he is doing.
I think as a parent you should always be your child number one fun and thank for sharing with us.

 2 years ago 

Parents should advice their children on likely professions to study that are more active in the society and allow their children to make their own decisions. Most people in the university are studying what was imposed on them by their parents and after school they just drop the certificate and pursue their passion

 2 years ago 

It's true ooo
I have personally seen such cases around me and it is not in any way encouraging

 2 years ago 

I would never discourage my child from taking up a career that he/she chooses just because of my view on the career

This is what almost all parents get wrong,they want there children to pursue their own choices of career for them under rating there children's choice but if you are able to do this as a parent then you would make a good family

 2 years ago 

Thanks @emmanu, actually it's not easy but parents can do this successfully

 2 years ago 

Sure, that's true and I know you can do it successfully as a parent

 2 years ago 

Definitely there many reasons why people change their career plans: pausity of funds,lack of knowledge about the career, family pressure, environmental influence among others.

Teaching is a way of creating and imparting literacy to the mind of many.It is a nobel profession although the government care less about the teachers.

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 2 years ago 

As in ehhhh
Teachers are supposed to be given medals every year

 2 years ago (edited)

Honestly lack of money sometimes is the major cuase of changing career. Buti can tell you , you have the quality of a teacher.

 2 years ago 

Thanks maam

 2 years ago (edited)

So you mummy is a Doctor, waooh. That is impressive. I can only imagine the pressure you will be facing because she would like you to join the medical profession. But that is one mistake some parents make. They need to realize that their children should be allowed to do something else if they do not feel like following their parents career.

 2 years ago 

Yeah, she gave up when she noticed that no amount of pressure can change my mind and I'm happy she has been helpful and supportive

 2 years ago 

@precious123, thanks for the invite, but do you realize most schools and teachers will always tell parents to allow totally their wards to make their carrier choices? Please teachers should make it understanble which one is the best, assistance or alliance 😂😂, thanks 👍

 2 years ago (edited)

Being a doctor is very good because they save lives but the one you are doing now as you said that you are a teacher is very good because teachers are a role model to children because without you people i can not be here and writing this things, you guys are the one that thoughts us how to read and write.thank you @precious123 for your good career you choose is very good and once again thanks for your quality content in this community

 2 years ago 

No dey praise me for mouth jare
Action speaks louder than words, credit mah account 😁😁😁

Thanks huni for the compliment, teachers are stars that shine brightly as illuminators

No worry next time i will appreciate your good work @precious okay teachers are second parents

 2 years ago 

It's actually true that making career choices isn't easy, therefore the assistance of teachers are needed

@innocent10 darrrrhhhh, so like this I don turn celebrity, thanks huni for the compliment. I'm proud of what I do

Ok dear you have to be proud of @precious

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 2 years ago 

Our career choices may affect us for the rest of our lives and making amends at times may be difficult or impossible.

Parents should really play a good role in making their children choose the best career of their life because a mistake made in a minute takes about years to amend.

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