Steem Alive Presents; Regrets - Some of the things I wish I did or did not do in life

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)



A situation where someone feels sorry for an event and which it had not happened is said to be regret. There are many decisions in life that might lead to regret some of which are unexpected. Since we are imperfect, we tend to make serious mistakes at times, I'm not an exception therefore I've got my regrets as well. Below are some of them;

Regret 1; Broke a glass jar margarine

I remember when dad bought a jar of margarine(butter) which is specifically meant for salad but could also be used to garnish other meals. We were so much addicted to this margarine that my dad made it a point of duty to buy it whenever it was out of stock. Since my siblings misused the margarine, my dad decided to hid it far from their reach. He kept it on top of his wardrobe and as the devil works I climbed to the wardrobe in search of a biro and boom the jar of margarine clashed to the floor and broke into pieces. With the fear and shock that something has broken I fell from the wardrobe and sat on the broken glasses. Blood gushed out of the affected areas and a full jar of margarine gone down the drain.

I so much regret that action because Dad became so furious and decided never to buy margarine again and he hasn't done that since then besides I sustained severe injuries from the fall😢

Regret 2; Pride

Back in school during the junior school leaving examinations I didn't do well because of the tinge of pride that I had due to my brilliance, my parents and teachers adviced me to be serious with my books if which I paid deaf ears to. I thought that I knew everything so we'll and the examinations was nothing. I realized that I actually knew nothing when I saw the questions, I felt the earth could just open and swallow me. When the result was out all I saw was fair/pass.

I so much regret that particular ignorance of mine because my parents and teachers were greatly disappointed in me. Since then I have buckle up and done well academically, was only glad I didn't have to repeat the class

Regret 3; Fought back I school

There was this particular bully in my class that caused tremendous fear, he was tall, huge, arrogant, proud and a stark illiterate. All he did was to molest, beat up and make life unbearable for us. Although I always did my possible best to avoid him, a day came which I couldn't control my anger anymore. He came as usual, abused me verbally and proceeded to search my school bag of which I refused. We struggled and I fight broke out, I took advantage of my height and gave him what he deserved and of course, the broken woods came to my aid as well.

I regretted fighting back because my good reputation was smeared, everyone tagged me a female fighter throughout the term and the guy was expelled when it was confirmed that he was at fault by the school authorities. I felt bad that my action led to the downfall of another person

Regret 4; Failed a dying soul's wish


There was this male cousin of mine whom I adored so much, we were more like couples because we did stuffs together went to the same school and we looked alike, infact we never left each other's side but tragedy struck, my beloved Daniel got a terrible strange unknown disease which doctors could not diagnose not to talk of medical cure, my adorable cousin battled to live. When Daniel saw that there was no hope, he made me promise to stay by his side when he gave up the ghost. Of course, I tried very hard to stay with him at the hospital, on this particular day, I got some very important stuffs to attend to, while in the middle of it I got a call that Daniel's conditions has gotten worst and he wanted seeing me.

I hurriedly left where I was but the traffic delayed me, when I got to the hospital everyone was in tears and I was told that Daniel had kicked the bucket and was deposited in the mortuary. I so much regret that I wasn't able to keep to my promise, atleast I should have rescheduled my activities. I didn't get to see his dying face nor was allowed to attend his funeral. I await that time when I'll get to meet Daniel again.


Regrets can never be undone or amended, therefore it's up to us to be careful in what ever decisions we make



There is no benefit in regrets we should learn from our mistakes and should move on

I so much regret that particular ignorance of mine because my parents and teachers were greatly disappointed in me. Since then I have buckle up and done well academically, was only glad I didn't have to repeat the class

I am sorry for what happen to you on that day but I hope you have learned from your past mistakes you where try to outsmart your daddy but you didn’t succeed which you ended you up injuring you self.

I remember when dad bought a jar of margarine(butter) which is specifically meant for salad but could also be used to garnish other meals. We were so much addicted to this margarine that my dad made it a point of duty to buy it whenever it was out of stock. Since my siblings misused the margarine, my dad decided to hid it far from their reach. He kept it on top of his wardrobe and as the devil works I climbed to the wardrobe in search of a biro and boom the jar of margarine clashed to the floor and broke into pieces. With the fear and shock that something has broken I fell from the wardrobe and sat on the broken glasses. Blood gushed out of the affected areas and a full jar of margarine gone down the drain.

I so much regret that action because Dad became so furious and decided never to buy margarine again and he hasn't done that since then besides I sustained severe injuries from the fall😢

As a student is always good to study and it’s not everything you can study but when you study the part and didn’t come in the exams and you get a small chance you copy because when you fail they will say you didn’t do well.

 2 years ago 

Regrets can never be undone or amended,

I agree with you @precious123 at least you have learned from your mistake.

 2 years ago 

Yes oooo

Nice posts

 2 years ago 

Your story is really touching dear,he wanted to speak to you one last time but it is not your fault because traffic really delayed you.

May his soul rest in perfect peace.

 2 years ago 

My dear, it's not easy oooo. I yearn for when I will meet him again

 2 years ago 

What a tragedy!!! Your soulmate died just like that! Chai!!!!. The story touches. And the most annoying part of it is the fact that you didn't attend his burial

I didn't get to see his dying face nor was allowed to attend his funeral.

But, why naaa? We're you too small or what? I mean, what led to it?

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 2 years ago 


I climbed to the wardrobe in search of a biro and boom the jar of margarine

So sorry about that incident, it was purely an accident because you were I search of a pen. The blood gushing from your body may have caused your father to be furious I don't think it's because of the broken margarine jar.
REGRET 2 happens a lot, should I call it over confidence, however I'm glad you learned your lesson and improved on that ugly experience.
REGRET 4 Seriously I'm trying to imagine you felt on the traffic. You wished you could fly, right?

Regrets can never be undone or amended.

Please don't dispair. Best wishes.

 2 years ago 


This comment have lifted my spirits, thanks huni
We should always try to avoid conditions that may lead to regret in future

 2 years ago 

You just flashed my mind back to those days with this 👇

I climbed to the wardrobe in search of a biro and boom the jar of margarine clashed to the floor and broke into pieces.
There was a day I broke our lantern globe. I felt like dying before Dad's arrival because, Dad is a soldier and can deal with us mercilessly. But, would you love to know how I overcomed it?

It's a really bad thing to have pride as a student because it's not everything that you will know especially during examinations but thank God you realized your mistakes.

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