The diary game|better life|read a book today|Thursday 8th April 2021|

in SteemAlive3 years ago

Good day steemians, hope you had a great day.
Today i woke up around 8:30AM, I said my morning prayer, I stretched my body to get it fully awake. I was the only one at home today and I didn't have much to do. I cleaned the house and prepared beans pottage and dodo(fried plantains) for myself to eat. Here are some pictures of the food.




After eating I had my bath, pressed my phone for a while then I watched a movie. The movie was a bit boring .
I got hit by boredom around 1PM so I decided to go to where I store my books to find something to read, I picked up "Things fall Apart" by the legend himself Chinua Achebe.
This is a picture of the book.



I really enjoyed reading the book, because of how well Chinua Achebe made use of African proverbs and how descriptive the book was.
I took a break to eat the remainder of my beans pottage and I continued reading.
I really enjoyed reading the book, I didn't even know when time flew, I checked the time and it was almost 5PM, I dropped my book to fetch some water, and checked my phone and see what was happening online.
I didn't eat anything again because I was already full from the beans pottage I eat in the afternoon.
I switched on the generator and watched TV in the night. I off the generator around 9PM, check my phone replied my messages and went to bed.
This is my Diary for today. Thank you for reading.

Special thanks:


It's been awhile I ate beans and plantain oo.. you really do enjoyed your day

You should try eating it oo

I read that book in my secondary school days,nice one

You should read it again, the book is really good.

Lolz,no problem

Chinua Achebe is a great writer, his books are exceptional and his use of words and proverbs.
Your beans and plantain looks so yummy.
Hope you enjoyed the movie.
Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for reading

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