in SteemAlive3 years ago


Good day great steem members, my name is @peterabagi and i am glade to participate in this contest organized @Uzoma24 in the steemalive community platform.

Iam here to AGREE with the motion which says, "WHAT YOU CAN GET FROM
LOYALTY YOU CAN'T GET FROM LABOUR. And will be sharing two stories to support my motion that is the story of the first coup in nigeria and that of sauls rejection as king over isreal.


Loyalty has many definition but here is a definition from the Oxford Advanced learners Dictionary, "Loyalty means faithfulness or devotion to some person , course or nation".

While labour is defined as effort expended on a particular task; toil or work. I define loyalty to mean being a consistent follower of something or somebody .

I will love us to take note of the following words when talking about loyalty which are:

  1. Sacrifice
  2. Obidience
  3. Love
  4. Service
  5. Faithfulness

Loyalty without this 5 virtues is not complete, loyalty is only loyalty when this five virtues are intact. What loyalty can give you , labour can not give you a good example of this is the family setting.

Many homes are broken today because of lack of loyalty among the spouse . Both spouse that are hardworking and those that are not hardworking experience a broken home because this virtue called loyalty is missing.

  • It is not labour that keeps the home but loyalty. Labour dose not give peace, but loyalty brings peace in a home. Hence loyalty between spouse is what keeps them together .

  • Labour is good but a successful home is priceless . And a well built home is gotten from loyalty which involves sacrifice, love , faithfulness , obedience and service. it is loyalty that can keep the family in peace and not labour.

The strength of any nation is embedded in the loyalty of its citizens to the constitution.
When a nation is labouring and yet fighting/ wars and stealing that nation can not grow.
All this above mention social vices find expression when loyalty is lacking in a nation.

For example the stories of the various coups/ overthrowning government that took place in the 1966 in Nigeria was not because labour was lacking but because loyalty was abscent .

I will love to share a shot story of the first coup that took place in Nigeria in 1966 so we can learn and know that what You can get from loyalty you can not get from labour.



The 1966 Nigerian Coup d'état began on January 15, 1966 when rebel soldiers led by Kaduna Nzeogwu assassinated 11 senior Nigerian politicians and two soldiers as well as kidnapping three others.

The coup plotters attacked the cities of Kaduna, Ibadan, and Lagos while also blockading the Niger and Benue River within a two-day span of time. Before the coup plotters were able to take control of Nigeria a senior Nigerian General Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi was able to make the coup plotters flee to Kaduna.

Although the government was able to drive th coup plotters away they succeeded in installing a Head of State from the Eastern Region. The coup was the spark that erupted into the Nigerian Civil War.

From the above story , one could clearly see that what nigeria was lacking was not people to work, it was not number of labour but a virtur called loyalty that would have made this nation a first world nation and not a third word nation as it is today.

It was the first coup that led to the second coup , which led from one coup to another.

Loyalty brings about peace and progress which leads to the development of any nation and this things can't find expression in a nation just because of labour. Hence, what loyalty can give you , labour can not give you.

It is also important we all know that half loyalty is not loyalty at all. This is because loyalty means submitting totally to a person or mission.


More so I will love to share another story of a king in the bible known as king saul (1samuel 15) who lost his thrown because he was not loyal - obedient to the God that anionted him king over isreal .

From this story we will see that if saul was loyal he would have been promoted but because of his disloyalty to the command of his God he was rather demoted. And labour could not give him what he would have gotten from loyalty.



Now when Saul first became king, he was humble. But after he led the people in many battles and won them, he became proud. One day God sent Samuel to tell him, "I am going to punish the people of Amalek for their sins. Go attack the Amalekite people and completely destroy them and all that they have. "So Saul called together an army and went to fight the Amalekites.

God gave the Israelites the victory. But Saul did not completely obey God's command. He kept the kings of the Amalekites alive and also saved the best sheep and cattle.

As Saul started home with his army, God told Samuel, "I am sorry I made Saul King; he has disobeyed my command." So Samuel went to meet Saul.

When Saul saw Samuel, he told him, "I have obeyed the Lord's command." Samuel answered, "Then why do I hear the sound of cattle and sheep?" Saul said, "The people saved the best to bring home and offer as sacrifices to God. We destroyed all the rest." "Stop," said Samuel, "I will tell you what God told me last night." "Tell me," said Saul.

Samuel said, "God made you king of the Israelites and sent you to destroy the Amalekites. Why have you not obeyed him? Why have you taken these things for yourself?" "I did obey God, "Saul answered. "I went out like He told me; I captured the king. I killed the other people. It was only the best sheep and cattle that we did not destroy. And we brought them here to offer sacrifice to God."

Samuel said, "Does God like offerings as much as obedience? It is better to obey than to sacrifice. It is better to listen than to offer the fat of rams. To God, rebelling against Him is just as bad as asking spirits about the future, and being stubborn is as bad as being wicked and worshiping false gods. Because you have rejected God's word He has rejected you as king."

Then Saul said, "I have sinned. I disobeyed God. I was afraid of my men and did what they wanted. Forgive my sin and go with me so that I can worship God." But Samuel said, "I will not go with you. God has rejected you as king of Israel."

Then Samuel turned to leave, but Saul caught hold of his cloak, and it tore. Samuel said, "God has torn the Kingdom away from you and given it to someone who is better than you."


Then Saul said, "I have sinned. But show me respect in front of the people. Go with me to worship God." So Samuel went with Saul. He called for them to bring the king of the Amalekites and killed him as God had said to. Then Samuel went home and never went to Saul again as long as he lived.

Samuel was sad because God had rejected Saul. But then God spoke to him and said, "How long will you be sad about Saul? I have rejected him as king of Israel. Get some olive oil and go to Bethlehem, to a man named Jesse, because I have chosen one of his sons to be king.


From this story we see that what made saul rejected as king over isreal was lack of loyalty to the instructions of God and not lack of labour. Indeed it is clear that what you can get from loyalty , you can not get from labour.

In chapter 16 to Chapter 17 of first samuel we saw how that saul laboured to remain king of isreael but never remained and his thrown was given to a loyal man called David .

I hereby invite my friends @justiceanietie, @jaspichman125 and @erinosho to participate in this contest.

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