7 Day Writing Challenge Day 7- Dairy Game Season 3 by @patience90

in SteemAlive3 years ago (edited)

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Hello dairy, it's me @patience90 and I want to tell you how I spent my Saturday 28th August 2021.
I had series of activities and I am excited to share.


As early as 4:08 am, I was already awake and I decided to communicate with God and then I on my data afterwards and fortunately bumped into a friend online and we got chatting till 6:11 am when I went to join the general family devotion.
By the grace of God, I took the teaching that morning from the devotional with the topic "Vain Repetition".

We were admonished not to have the habit of repeating a request to God over and over again because if we have no faith, it will sound like complain and grumbling to God.
But we should pray like the Lord taught His disciples in Luke 11:2-4.

As we were rounding up the devotion, there was a heavy rainfall that lasted for almost 3 hours.

But as the rain was falling, I went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast of Moimoi and Pap for the family.IMG_20210829_103600_378.jpg
After the breakfast, I went to sew my nieces' new uniforms before getting ready to go out for a book lunch/birthday celebrations at the Nasarawa State College of Education, AkwangaIMG_20210829_101132_419.jpg All ready for my outing


By 12:11 pm, the birthday/book lunch kicked started though behind schedule because there was state sanitation every last Saturday of the month, coupled with the heavy downpour earlier.

FB_IMG_16302290411728811.jpgThe celebrant on green abgadaFB_IMG_16302290261917560.jpg The dignitaries unveiling the books

The event was a success after series of donations, traditional dance, speeches, recitation of poems and refreshments.
I am sorry couldn't capture more pictures because my phone was already down.
But to God be the glory, the program was successful and ended well.


By 4:18 pm, I was already on the bike home but decided to stop by one of my brothers' house to check on his family and to God's glory, they are all fine.

IMG_20210829_101147_705.jpgGauva from his gardenIMG_20210829_101116_312.jpgand his goats

After spending time with them, I proceeded to my base.
When I got home, I gave my nieces the guava I brought, took my bath, ate dinner and had little family chats before I retired back to bed.


It is good to always go out to witness events that adds value to one's live especially when it is about writing.
Finally, I wish to appreciate the leadership of @SteemAlive community for the opportunity to share my Dairy with fellow steemians.
It's an honour.

Cc: @SteemAlive

Best regards

 3 years ago 

Good journal of your activities for the day. Henceforth,after readingvyou post I have resolved to always keep journal of my daily activities in my dairy. Well-done @patience90

 3 years ago 

That will be interesting.
Always keep a journal of your activities.
Thanks for reading

 3 years ago 

Interesting day for you, hope you collected your own book. How are the Goats doing, I need 2 oooo because am rearing goats too. Please tell your Brother so we arrange for me oooo. Thanks for sharing.

 3 years ago 

😂 😂 😂 😂 Oya na
Come and get the goats.
Thanks for reading

It's good you had an eventful day.

The most important starting off the day with communication with God.
And those guavas looks delicious ☺️☺️☺️

 3 years ago 

Come and have some oo.
Anyways, thanks for reading

Wow, series of events. I like the Bible quotation. It is true, too much repetitions are absolutely not advisable. Even though to some, it's a choice, but no Challenge. Good write up @patience90.

 3 years ago 

Thank you sir

I can agree with you that your day was well spent especially as it started on spiritual thing. This is a well thought writeup.

 3 years ago 

Thank you sir


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