7 Day Writing Challenge Day 4- My Immediate Neighbours and Workmates by @patience90

in SteemAlive3 years ago (edited)

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I wish to sincerely appreciate the leadership of @steemalive for this 7 day writing challenge. It has really brought out the hidden writing virtue and lots of memories in some of us. I am grateful to be a participant. I am @patience90, you are welcome to my blog today.

I will be writing about my immediate neighbours and workmates today.
First of all, I want to explain who an immediate neighbour and workmate are.

Who is an immediate neighbour?

A neighbour is a person living next to you within your community and an immediate neighbour is someone who lives right next door on a nearby land.

Right now I want to talk about my immediate neighbours.
Growing up in my area which is my immediate environment, I realized that my agemates whose parents built their personal houses there were all boys except for tenants who had one or two girls.

  • Stephen Philip Affiku
IMG_20210826_090935_911.jpgStephen Philip Affiku but I prefer calling him Agbos is my immediate neighbour who has turned out to be a very good friend and a brother and I have known him all my life.

He is the last born of his family just as I am and we grew up together, attended the same primary school though he was a year ahead of me.
He is a Christian, Eggon by tribe, an indigine of Nasarawa State and currently the youth chairman of my tribal association while I am the financial secretary.
Agbos is so special to me and at the same time a nuisance. In fact we are both nuisance to each other and we love ourselves for that. We are always at each others throats but inseparable.
He is so special in the sense that he always advice me aright and never withhold any opportunity from me. In fact he taught me computer operation though we fight during most of the training hours. I am glad to announce that I will be his best woman (best man) at his wedding. Yeah that's how special he is.

Stephen and I at a Christmas funfair we organized for kids

  • My second neighbour is Anthony Ovey Godwin.
IMG_20210826_092650_098.jpgIMG_20210826_092638_827.jpg OV and I on his birthday

Anthony Ovey Godwin aka OV is another good neighbour of mine whom we grew up together and have living like family since we were born. He is the second child of his parents.
This is another special neighbour who is also a nuisance to me. We attended the same nursery and primary school though I was a class ahead of him and few years older than him but we so much understand each other. He is a confidant and I rely on his counsel.
He is also a Christian from Nasasrawa State.
He is referred to in our neighborhood as my chief maid. Funny right?

IMG_20210826_092701_440.jpgStephen, Anthony and I
We are all family, friends and neighbours.

Who is a workmates

A workmate is someone you work with or simply put, a coworker or colleague.

Therefore, the following people are special people I've worked with and currently working with.

  • Mr. Yusuf Mohammed Mbachi

Mr. Mbachi popularly known as Mr. Nannys was a senior colleague/workmate when I was teaching.
He is a Muslim, married with 8 kids who are well taken care of and from Nasasrawa State.
He was the assistant headmaster in charge of marking of lesson plans and assigning classes to teachers.
This man is my role model in teaching work.
He is a special person to me and I eventually became a family friend to his entire household.
I hold him in high esteem for the fact that his salary is nothing to write home about but all his 8 children are learned.
Three (3) are now university graduates in fact, among them 2 have already served and one is preparing to go.
Two (2) are rounding up their A level, 1 is looking for admission, another is done with college of education and is looking for university admission while the last one is in secondary school.
Isn't he special?
I've known him for the period of 5 years now and still counting.
Though I am sad to say that he is currently on admission because he is diabetic and recently developed kidney problems. Kindly include him in your prayers that he will live to enjoy the labour of his hands.


Mr. Nannys, his beautiful wife and I during their 2nd daughter's wedding

  • One of my workmates is Obadiah Haruna Yerima.
IMG_20210826_092739_753.jpgObed as I fondly called him is a workmate in teaching profession. Though he is an electrician, also a teacher.

I've known Obed for the period of 4 years and still counting.
Obed is not a nuisance rather a special person whom I've never seen him without a smile. He is special in the sense that he is always jovial and ready to render help anytime. He is a Christian and also from Nasasrawa State.

  • Lastly, I want to talk about my extrovert friend and workmate in the area of tailoring. In fact she is my boss.
    She is Angela Chinoye Timothy Affi

Angela is from Enugu state but born and raised in Nasasrawa State and also married to a Nasarawa man.
She is a mother of 3 boys, an intelligent tailor who is also married to another intellect tailor and the name of their collections is Timang fashion.
I have known her all my life though we lost contact at some point but we are back for good.
I was her chief bride's maid during their wedding and you can imagine an extrovert bride with an introvert chief maid.
She is special in such a way that she takes time and also being patient to teach me tailoring work in the areas I find difficulties.
She is godly and a disciplinarian just like me.
But she can be a nuisance when it comes to talking. Even when I am not in the mood to talk, she forcefully makes me reply. Chaii sometimes I wish I could block my ears from inside but it's not possible. Therefore I have to take what God has given me with Thanksgiving.


Life will not be complete without neighbours and workmates. Some can be special, nuisance or even the both are the same time.
But we all need each other to succeed in life

Finally, I want to appreciate your patience reading through my blog.


Yours truly,

 3 years ago 

Hi @patience90,

You are really a go better. Thank for completing your fourth entry for the contest.

Wow...you have got fantastic neighbours in Philip and Anthony,they were really made for you.It is always good to have good neighbours around.Continue to stand well with them.
Make sure to drop the links under the comment section of the contest announcement post.

 3 years ago (edited)

Thanks boss. The link has been long dropped.
Thanks for visiting me here.
It means a lot to me.

 3 years ago 

You really have great neighbors, and they too have stand out in everything. Having one good neighbor is better than having 5 neighbors who you can not relate well with. Your relationship with them too mattered so much. Thank you for being good too.

 3 years ago 

Thanks for dropping by.

 3 years ago 

@patience90 you have a good and accommodating neighbors, you guys really had a good time. But I didn't see myself here ooo. Enjoy your moment!

 3 years ago 

😂 😂 Don't worry yourself, you will be mentioned next time.
Thanks a lot.

 3 years ago 

Weldone ma'am. I love how your markdown style has greatly improved. Thank God for the gift of friends turned family He has given you.

 3 years ago 

Thanks ma'am.
Evidence of your handwork.
Thanks for never being tired of me ☺

It's a thing of joy to have neighbors that we can rely on and confide in.

You guys should continue living in peace and harmony as in most cases they might turn out to be the first respondent in many situations.

I wish you the very best in the contest.

 3 years ago 

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Your writings are always outstanding. You are blessed with multiple talents @patience90. Good Neighbors and good workmates are really some individuals that one wound missed having them around often times. Well done job please.

 3 years ago 

Thanks for the compliments.
I appreciate you dropping by

 3 years ago 

Without a friend life is incomplete,because you can confide in them, when you are troubled and they can be of help to you too,nice one

 3 years ago 

You are right dear.
Thanks for reading

 3 years ago 

Your always welcome

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