in SteemAlive3 years ago



Hello and good day everyone. Welcome to my blog I remain @patienceotis your favorite steemian. It's indeed a wonderful day. Getting into this year am ready seeing the hand of God. His love and kindness towards me.

One thing I will say for sure is that God is a faithful God and a good father but alot of people have this misconception about. Most people think God can chose to neglect his children which is not true. Today I will be explaining exactly what God's faithfulness truly is.


So let's define faithfulness;

FAITHFULNESS is the concept of unfailingly remaining loyal to someone or something, and putting that loyalty into consistent practice regardless of any circumstance.

2 TIMOTHY 2:3 if we believe not or are unfaithful yet he remains faithful. He cannot deny himself.

The abouve scripture gives us to a fair extent God's character, he remains faithful even when we are not faithful. He doesn't consider our beliefs or faithlessness at some poins of our failure or mistakes even though he expected more.


Before I continue I am sure someone may want to ask why would God expect a sinful people to ever be faithful by living above sin and every lies of Satan?


A lot of people and even some believers actually don't imagine themselves and others to live a life above sin and satan forever, they believe it's only natural to make some times but the question is "it is true?" A billion times NO

Jesus in JOHN 14:6 teaches us that he is the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE God wants every human to have life!. This is why in JOHN 5:19 He teaches that every human is created by God in his image and likeness to only live like God our Father. If God's word again in MATTHEW 5:48 tells us to be perfect as God our Father is then God is indeed a FAITHFUL GOD, he must be speaking this way because he has fortified us with every GRACE and ANOINTING we will ever need to live like satan doesn't exist in Christ Jesus like 2 PETER 1:3 and COLOSSIANS 2:10 says.

Having read the above writings and scriptures, we have no doubt of what God expects from his children. He wants us not to try and survive Satan and sin but to live like satan and sin never existed.

What if we still fail God by falling to sin and the devil again? God would no stop being faithful towards his faithfulness is not to the end they we continue living in sin , but that we finally come to see and understand Christ Jesus who is a portrait of God's love for us and live like satan and sin never existed like in 2 PETER 3:9 he said he is not slack towards us but exercising patience to the end that none of his children perish but that they may all come to Chang heart.

1 JOHN 3:6 said if you know me , you cannot continue in your sin. This simply means people still live in sin yet because they don't know God. Not because they are not good people or don't have pure motives to live for God and represent his values but like Paul was explaining to the religious folks in ROMANS 7:15 I found another law in my body going contrary to how a good man should live.

Now this is why in 2 CORINTHIANS 5:19 God said he will not count sins on people, he knew they were in sin not because they are unfaithful people yet but, because they have not known him. This is why ROMANS 5:20b says God's Grace is always chasing sinners even in their greatest worst level in sin.


Am sure having read all this points we can affirm that God loves unconditionally. He is too wise and holy to sin as humans, but he still remains patient and working in us and for us by the holy Spirit.

If one truly understands God's love and FAITHFULNESS such a man or woman will already be a super human. Let's do well to read and the study the above scriptures. Don't take my word for it go and study make your research and the holy Spirit will guide you.


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