SteemAlive Presents: ProWritersHub (W2) - Family inheritance - How to handle it and protect future generations?

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)


hello everyone.
the only thing that can happen to you is your family so always love your family for who they are and be proud of them and I wound like to thank @steemalive community for this contest.




Everything in this world has advantages and disadvantages and what comes on your way just give to the almighty God and move on because life is too short to always be the moving around with things that won’t benefit you in any expectation of life.

family is a group of people who are related by blood and the same blood that is in both of you should never let you fight your brother over family properties when your parents are no longer alive and don’t let negative people come in between you.

How is the family property shared in your hometown?

this is how it goes the place where I am from almost hundreds of percent of us are Muslim and so they share family property in the Islamic ways and when your parents die which is both your mother and father, assuming like they gave birth to five children and they are shared among the five children only, they will called a mallam, and that is the one who is leading the whole of your area in prayer.

On that day when the mallam comes to your house, they will be called all the five children and they will make sure that all of them are present the first thing the mallam will do it’s to pray for their parents and prayers for them and tell them in Islam this how families properties are shared when you parents are dead.

He will tell them what they need to know about how to share properties after he is done, the Mallam will now tell them to bring all the properties to their front and then, he will
divide the properties into five equal parts and no one owner is going to be bigger, all of them are going to be the same and he will tell the elder one to pick the one he or she likes, and the one is going to be second born who is to also come and picked before it will reach the babe lasted, it’s going from the highest to the smallest and after they are done sharing he will pray and it’s not by force to give the mallam thing from your properties and if you want you will give him and if you want you won’t give the mallam, this is how properties are shared at my place.

What challenges have you seen when parents (especially the father) are no longer there?

families Always face a lot of challenges when their father is dead and when the family members knows that he was very rich before he passed away.

the family members will want to send the wife away because they believe, that her wife marry their father because of the money he is having, and if they succeed in sending the wife away the children will be suffering and the will get change to take all the properties.

the family member will want to take the properties of their father specifically when children are still young ,they will take all the properties without even thinking they will also die one day and when the children grow up they won’t have anything left for them and they will be suffering and while they will be enjoying with their properties.

What steps should parents take when they are still alive to prevent fights when they are gone?

Sometimes when you are lucky and your parents didn’t die at the early stage of your life and they are ready to support you in all aspects of life, then you are the luckiest person on earth.

Parents should put the name of their children on their properties because once they did that it will very difficult for anyone or their family member to take the properties away from the children.

they should also create a bank account for the children’s and put some big amount of money into their account and so when they grew up they can use the money to start a Business or anything they think will be mean full to them.

The father should start a big business for the wife in case the father dies, the wife can use the business she is doing to take care of the children.

Do people in your hometown respect your father's will? Have your family discussed this issue?

They don’t respect father’s will, In the place where I am from the majority of us are all Muslims and we the Muslims believe that when you are still alive is not good to share your property with your children while you are still alive.

Because if the children get to know they will start misbehave because they already know what their father left for them when they die and you can shared you properties and when the children get to know their portion of the properties they can kill you for that.

And it’s still your time to live on earth and it’s not accepted at my place.

Give us any personal experience regarding sharing the family inheritance. Be detailed

When my father die and they did the burial and everything concerning the funeral and so my mommy was to be in the house for a good forty days without working when the time was up my mother started going to market and at the time my mother was still in the house life wasn’t easy on our side.

I remember back then, I completed secondary school and our result was out and I had good great I had admission to the university for development studies to study statistics and I didn’t have money to pay school fees.

my father was having two wives, my mother was the first wife and my stepmother was the second wife of my father.

my stepmother die early before my father, and so when they were to share the properties with us my father was having two wives and my mommy gave birth to five of us and my stepmother gave birth to only two.

So when they were to share the properties because we were plenty they gave the big house to us because they said we were plenty and because they were only two they gave them t smaller house.

So the rest of the other properties they sell it and they called the mallam to come and share the money to us and when the mallam came to our house and they called as all and put the money to seven equal plots and he calls the firstborn to come and pick his share of the money ,followed by the second born from that way before it will reach the babe lasted time.

that is the experience I have when they were to share my father's properties with us but I wasn’t young by then.


In this life when your parents give birth to you, you should give birth to yourself, and you don’t have to put all your hope on your parent's property because if you aren’t lucky on the way your family member can kill and so it’s good to think about how to make it on your own way.

I will like to invite @firdaus123 @rubilu123 @chenty to participate in this contest


Sort: this is the link of my picture

 2 years ago (edited)

Thank you for participating in the contest.I have learnt about how family inheritance is shared in your place.The presence of mallam makes the sharing process to be smooth.

The fact that the wife of the deceased could be sent away by the family members is a big problem because it wasn't the wife that was responsible for the husband's death.

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 2 years ago 

Wow @osiola,you have really made a nice entry in this contest by explaining to us how things are been shared in your family.

Tha k you for this useful information.

 2 years ago 

Family inheritance really cause serious problem between family members and can even make them kill there selves when sharing them


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