Prowrittershub-w3:Technology in our lives - How modern technology transformed healthcare today by @osiola

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)


hello everyone.
God time is the best and I will like to use this given opportunity to thank @steemalive community for giving us this contest.




Back in the older days, there were no hospital and they were treating people effectively and they used to keep longer as compared to us because of the food we eat now is full of chemicals in it.

their method of treatment was working for them and they used to treat both normal sickness and spiritual sickness they were having the way they were doing but technology has come to polish their method of treatment up.

The introduction of technology and computer in our health sector has helped so many tissues we were having for long time and computer and technology has bought a lot of joy into our health sector.

How do people take care of their health before the invention of computers and other health technology?

yes, the where have they way to use to treatment before technology came and their method of treatment was God sent treatment and the reason why I called it God sent was that when a person is sick during those days and the sent that person to the place they where going to treat him and they didn’t know the kind of sickness the person was suffering , they have to consult the God first and before will know the kind of herbs to be given to the sick person or which method they were to use to treat him and they were treating all kind of diseases.

How did technology improve life and reduced mortality rate?

I don’t even know how to appreciate technology because it has improved in all sectors not the health sector alone and it has reduced the name of deaths rate per year.

  • It was difficult to know some the kind of sickness a person was suffering in those days because of that people used to die a lot but now technology has made look so simple that he has come out with tools and equipment which help to identify any kind of sickness a person is suffering and be able to treat that fellow.

  • during days , it was those local herbs they used in treatment but the intervention of technology has bought the manufacturing of modern drugs that will help to cure all kinds of diseases and when you are sick you don’t have to go to the hospital for check-up or treatment all you need it to take those medicine and you will be okay.

Tell us the function of some health technology equipment like stethoscope, Microscope, Blood Pressure apparatus,etc

Each of these equipment is having different uses.




  • stethoscope: this is used by the doctor at the hospital to the test sound of the heart and lungs and able to know the kind of sickness a person is suffering from.




  • Microscope: is an instrument that is used to detect the health of anything like, to see bacteria, and be able to come out with medicine to cure those diseases.




  • Blood Pressure apparatus: is an instrument that stops the flow of blood around arteries and pumps blood throughout your blood and can detect your BP level.

What was your experience when or if you have visited a health diagnostic laboratory? Be detailed

Yes, I have visited the laboratory several time but I was not the one who was sick it was my mom , she was sick for days and she was in the house and we all taught it was malaria and so we bought malaria drugs for her and when she took the malaria drugs for days it was not changing and so one day we just decided that we will sent mom to the hospital and so when we got to the hospital they told us we should go to the lab for them to test the sick in my mommy first and so they took a small sample of mom blood and run the test at the laboratory and when they came out later, they told us that it was BD and they gave drugs to lower her blood pressure.


if not Because of technology a lot of people will have been inside their grave for people not knowing the kind of diseases which has killed them and technology has played an important part in our health sector.

I will like to invite @rubilu123 @chenty @firdaus123 to participate in this contest.


 2 years ago 

stethoscope: this is used by the doctor at the hospital to the test sound of the heart and lungs and able to know the kind of sickness a person is suffering from.

Yes,this is a very nice and needed tool in the hospital as you said in your post that it is used to check our heart beats and also out lungs.

 2 years ago 

Hi @osiola
Please provide the link of the Image you used in your post.
Let me know

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 2 years ago 

Thank you for providing the link but it should be attached to the image please so that when it is clicked, it will direct to the image not to the site.

 2 years ago 

Yeah...... I think I have seen the blood pressure apparatus countless times with my mom and thus has helped her check how high or low one's blood pressure is.........
Technology is one of its kind

 2 years ago 

Your post is well detailed, I love that.
Technology indeed made life easy and sweeter for us.

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