SteemAlive Presents: ProWritersHub -(w1) Introduce your role model to us?

in SteemAlive2 years ago


Hello dear steemians,am back once again to you guys with the third post of this contest and am very happy to see that I am supported by the community by them showing me their first kindness by verifying me and making me one of their family,I so much appreciat their good effort to see that this community grow in all dimension and lest I forget,I to thank all the active members of this community and wish them success in their steemit journey.

Today's topic is really nice as it is time for us to show the world our role model,the people who really motivated us to do good things and I will like you guys to read through my post and I hope that you guys find it interesting.


Who is your role model

As we all know that a role model is someone who you look up to when doing things,someone you tell your problems and get them solved as fast as possible,some one that gives you all ears in time of sadness and someone who loves to see your success in life and today I will like to introduce to my very role model as it is no other person than my teacher sir best onuoha.


He is really a man am looking up to when doing things because of his high rate of intelligence and focus.and the funny thing about him is that he likes blowing grammers and although he is well learned that doesn't make him to brag about himself rather he brings himself down to those that are older that him and when walking on the road he greets everyone he sees and in no less time I will introduce this platform to him so that he can come and join us here as one family.

Why did you choose him

There are so many reasons why I choose him out of all the people I see and not that others are not intelligent or whatever but just that he takes everyone as his brother and also at the class were he teaches us he breaks every word that we do not understand to pieces so as to make it more understandable to us.
Now I will show you some things I like about him and why I Choose him as my role model:

  • Compliance and punctual to work:this very young many is really a good role model to me as he those not behave rudely like other teachers in my school and also he is a man of punctuality and before it is 7:00am,he is already in the school so as to conduct the devotion and amkes sure that everywhere is neat.

  • he is honest and creative.

  • He is confident and respectfully

  • He is hardworking and has a good moral.

  • He likes to communicate to both old and young.

What have they accomplished in their field

Wow,my role.model is really great in his field and there are many things which I can say that he has accomplished since he went into the field of teaching.
And I will like to introduce to you many things he had established in his field of teaching and also in other things he do.

  • He has taught many waec candidates and they come out with flying colors after the exam.

  • He has taught many youths about graphics designing so as to help contribute to less the rate of unemployment in the country.

  • His confident,good moral,good teaching pattern has made him the school's vice principal.

  • He is a motivational speaker at such that families pay him to come for councelings and also to advice them on how to live in peace and harmony.

  • He has done several youth empowerment in his hometown and it was in the year 2020,that he paid for the waec fee.

There are many good things he has done to the world and also the local community but I will like to stop here because if I decide to say all of them it might not finish till morning.


Thank you for making it possible for us to share with you our role model.
I will like to thank the steemit team for their update to all the steemit users around the world and mostly my regards to steemalive community.

 2 years ago 

@ogwo Thank you for participating in the contest.Your role model is indeed worthy of emulation given that fact that he is a punctual with work, helpful, benevolent,honest and a good counselor.I am glad you have learnt a lot from him.

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 2 years ago 

Yes @samuel20,I have really learnt a lot from him and still going to learn more.


Your post made it to our top 5 selection for today, Congratulations! Could you please support at least one other nominee by commenting meaningfully and voting their post? Thank you in advance for doing that. You can see the other 4 selected posts in the link below:

Curation by: @focusnow20
For: Steemalive

 2 years ago 

Wow,thank you for this ,I really appreciate and am going to comment on all the post of selection.

 2 years ago 

You have got yourself a nice role model which is a commendable act. I hope you become a good role model for for the young ones too.

Nice publication.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for always been there for me.

I appreciate your comment.

 2 years ago 

With the quality you listed here about your role model, i think everyone else would love to choose him as a role model.

Wow I like your role model the way I see him and according to your write-up he is a good role model indeed.

 2 years ago 

Yes dear,I do admire him much.

 2 years ago 

Yes dear,he is really a good man.

About your role model you did know him more compare to any other person . Since you have such to add here about him, he personally meant so much for you . Good choice.

 2 years ago 

Thank you dear.

 2 years ago 

Your role model is a man of dignity with the above write up.
Thanks for introducing him to us.

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