Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 2 Week 4 | The worst day and the best day of your life by @oguzvic

in SteemAlive2 years ago


Hello SteemAlive community, I'm delighted to be partaking in this contest.

The worst day of my life

The worst day of my life was December 5th 2021 when my grandmother died. On that faithful day, I got a call from my dad that she was dead. It broke me to pieces and I lost all concentration that day.

I have always been close with my grandma. She played a huge role in my life while I was growing up. As a kid, I always liked visiting her. She played a lot with me and she always got me whatever I wanted. She taught me a lot of virtues and things about life.

When I became a teenager, I got into the University at a state far away but that didn't seperate us as we always talked on phone. She always wanted to know if I was alright or if I lacked anything in school. She was the perfect grandmother.

In early 2021, her health degenerated. She was hospitalized for a long while. Eventually she got better and was discharged. However, she fell ill again and was hospitalized. I was in school and I was nervous and really hoped that she made it through the illness.

On the faithful day of December 5th, 2021, while I was about to head into my first class of the day, my dad called and informed me that she died. I wished it was dream. I felt so heart broken. I had to cancel my classes that day as there was no way I could concentrate after receiving the news.

What contributed to that worst day experience ?

For me, it was the realization that I would never see her again. I had so many plans for her once I graduated from school. Now, I wouldn't be able to do them.

What did you get wrong on that day?

I never got to visit or see her while she was ill because I was busy in school. I wasn't even there when she died. It is one of my regrets. I would have tried to make out time to at least visit her even for a brief moment.

What lesson did you learn from that worst day experience

I learnt that one should always make out time for their loved ones no matter how busy one may be. We should also learn to celebrate people when they are alive so that they would appreciate it, because we would never know what tomorrow holds for them.

The best day of my life

The best day of my life was March 20th, 2021 when I passed my professional exam. I am a physiotherapy student at the University of Nigeria. I took my professional exam in my third year. This professional exam was the holy grail. It is a huge hurdle medical and physiotherapy students in my school had to overcome before they would be allowed to move to the next level.

If you failed, you would either repeat a whole year or even fail out of the department. This exam has earned a terrifying reputation over the years. My senior colleagues who wrote the exam before my set had terrible results. Very few were able to pass and make it to the next level. Many others failed and had to rewrite the exam with my set, therefore repeating a whole year. Some others who were unlucky failed in such a way that they were asked to no longer continue with the department.

It was eventually my turn to take the exam and the fear, uncertainty and doubt came. The workload for preparing for that exam was so much as there was just too much to read. It was as if the more you read, the more you discover there was so much more you didn't know. There was obvious panic among several of my classmates. However, everyone knew the best thing to do was read as hard as you can. For me, it was the most I had ever prepared for an exam.

For months, I stayed awake at night, reading. My days were not left out either. I spent almost every hour of everyday reading as I was trying to cover as much as I could within limited time. I knew how hard my parents have worked and sacrificed for me to get to where I was and I couldn't afford to let them down, so I worked the hardest I had ever done in my life.

Eventually, the exam period came. The entire examination process lasted for about one month and some weeks. We were drilled in several aspects. There were days when the exam went well and there were also days when it went horribly. On the day the results were scheduled to be released, I was under severe tension. The entire campus was under tension as is usually the case because virtually everyone had a friend, sibling or close pal who took that exam.
I couldn't concentrate in doing anything.

When the results eventually got released, I passed with flying colours and it was the happiest moment of my life. I called my dad immediately and told him about my result. He was so glad and proud of me. My mum also couldn't hide her joy. It is a day I would never forget in a hurry.

What contributed to that best day experience ?

First of all, it was the fact that my parents supported me throughout the journey and I made them proud in the end. Their efforts and mine were not in vain.
Also, most of my close friends passed as well and it made me happy. It felt good knowing that we prepared for the hardest exam we had ever written together and we passed together.

What did you get right on that day?

Well, I can say what I got right leading to that very day was that I never let the fear and anxiety get to me, rather I fixed my eyes on the price and worked towards it. So many other people let the fear of the exam and the workload get to them and they gave up before the exam even started.

What lesson did I learn from that best day experience ?

The major lesson I learnt is that hard work really pays. Secondly, I learnt that perseverance is a key virtue and that if you want to succeed in anything in life, you need hard work and perseverance.

Thanks for reading. I am inviting @dayographix, @jueco, @goodybest to participate in this contest.



Congratulations! This article has been manually curated using our community account. Always publish great content, free of plagiarism and make sure you are participating in club5050, club75 or club100. Congratulations once again, hoping to see your next publication soonest!

You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

In fact, we will never forget the days of suffering. I understand you loved your grandmother very much. That's why you got the news from your father after your grandmother died and that's when you feel much worse. In fact, my grandmother and I were very dear. Although I was young when Grandma died, she didn't really understand that feeling

So sas tp hear about on incident that occurred concerning your grandma. Sometimes in life, we just have to accept the things that we can't change. May she find peace.

And it is good to hear that you came out with flying colors in your professional exam. More blessings to you friend.

🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️, Wow physiotherapy, una like to dey carry course whey the name sef dey scare person, am glad you passed, the fear didnt het you you, it takes confidence to behave in exams like that

We focus in the good say for today,
A comment on my publications wll be appreciated

 2 years ago 

I learnt that one should always make out time for their loved ones no matter how busy one may be. We should also learn to celebrate people when they are alive so that they would appreciate it, because we would never know what tomorrow holds for them.

This aspect is very important. Some are too busy to the point their love ones has been forgotten by them. Sorry about the demise of your perfect grandma whom her death made you to lose concentration.

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 2 years ago 

Is not bad to feat but too bad to allow fear to grip us, it is just as someone swimming inside oooo of poverty.

You are very brave, keep it up

Woow brother I'm happy to hear what happened to you on March 20th, 2021 which you considered as the best day of your life. It should definitely be your best day because passing an exam at that level will obviously make us very proud and happy. Congratulations to you once more brother, keep the flag up by producing quality results like this always.

Two days that have marked your life.

  1. Your granny that passed away
  2. When you passed your professional exam
    Now, I am pretty sure that the best day will be replaced by the day that you get your degree. The day that you become a full blown physiotherapist. That will for sure create a lot of excitement.
    Whatever you do, don't give up on it!
    Good luck for the contest.

Sorry for the death of your grandma I know that day it wasn't easy for you. I am happy that today you fine joy.

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