Stay healthy by drinking enough alkaline water

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)



Hello my good friends in steem this is another new week, I'm happy to know that you are they in God's hands to compit in this week context.

What you need to know about water:
Water is a liquid substance that has no colour, odour, or test. Which from the seas, rivers, oceans, lakes and rain which is the basis fluid of it all.Some of the living oganizims lives in water e.g fish, clryfish, perawincles, earthworm etc. Which water is thier main survival. Sea water is what we use for importation of goods and most industries usese water to generate their services e.g electricity industry. Water is a good source of living both in humans, plants and animals.

what does the water do to the body?

We all need water to survive as a human being because of it's benefits to us. Our body weight water is 60%, our body uses water in all the cells functions It helps the body to function well and control the body temperature.

what is acidic water and why we should avoid it:

Acidic water is a water that has a ph of 6.5 or less that can be caused by natural phenomena, which is industrial pollution.

Acidic water is not recommend due to it high
acidity that can lead to nagetive health problems. Such as diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, shortness of breath, organ damage, abdominal pains, chills and weakness.

what is alkaline water?

It is a source of water that carries a higher amount of ph levels than normal bottle water which reduces the acidity level in the body.

Why should we take alkaline water?

We should take alkaline water because it is better than tap and bottles water. Which provides other extra benefits in the body, it restores ph. balance in the body, increases energy level and hydrating than other waters.

The source of drinking water in my community:

what are the source of drinking water in my community:

I have different sources of water in my community and they are
Tap water
Boohoos water
Water board
Well water.
And my source of water is pure water.

What are the quantity of water to be taken a day?

I think as our body wigeht contains 60% of water, We human being should take atlist 6 glasses of water per day. To eneble the body function well.


Due to the good benefits of water, it is good to take a lots of water in order to help our body function well mostly alkaline water so that we may not contact diseases in acidic water like diarrhea and others.

Special regards to;

 2 years ago (edited)

Thank you posting in Steemalive community.You have done a good job by defining water,its importance and uses to man.

Alkaline water remains the best for human as it provides the desired quality to the body.

Try to apply justify alignment to your work to make it more beautiful.

Pls note that PH of 6.5 does not mean physical health of 6.5....PH(potential of hydrogen) is simply a measure of the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a medium such as water.


Thank you Samuel20 for the corrections. Noteted

Samuel20 I have done the correction pls can you check it again thanks.

You are correct, they say water is life, and our body needs it to function properly even in food digestion, water will do the work boost energy too. Thanks for sharing

Thank you christybless you are correct

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