All4oneMy sunday and I see how I spend my day.

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)


my outfit today

In the morning:

When I wake up I filled so weak that I almost give for today's mass due to the cooled weather condition that Mead me to slept over before the time but I said to myself no if I could wake up early on a business day why den should I not stand up and go and worship my God who made me to see today.
So I went to the bathroom take my bath and also my children we go to church.
what happened in the church.
When we get to the church our rev.father Edet was giving reflections, due to my lateness I could not meet up the readings for to day but according to the reflections it was about the holy Eucharist (I mean the body of Christ) how Jesus took the loaves, blessed, broke it and gave it to his disciples to feed the maltitude that came to him they were all satisfied and had a leftover.
After that we professed I believe, we had an offerings, receive the holy Communion, and had project lunching the church roof and then dismissed and go.

In the afternoon:

I have to do some domestic work like washing my clothes, my children clean my house. After that I went to kechine to prepare jerofrice 🥗 salad for my family.

And the ingredients are:
Groundnut oil
Green beans
Clryfish etc.
Some time people don't like including clryfish in their jerofrice. Knowing not that clryfish is essential ingredients in food also clryfish Is one of the nutrients that is very good for our every day diets which contains essential nutrients needed by the body. And in some cases it can be grounded and use to compliment babies food.


in the evening:

I took some rest after that I cashed some fun with my kids and my husband I really had a good day.


We all know that Sunday is a Sabbath day and we should keep it holy as the Bible tells us. Also Most of us perents works every day with out having time or sepent time with our kids which is not good and making us not to know more about our children. Please try and have time with your children so that you can know more about them and the kind of friends they keep thanks.


 2 years ago 

You are doing so good asa mother and wife, mothers know how to so many things at a time, weldon my sister.
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 2 years ago 

I believe you must have take your time prepare these mail.
Thanks for supporting all4forone.

Thank you @ijelady

 2 years ago 

So you cooked rice and you did not invite me you see your life. Now steemit don report you.

You did well by praise GOD, Eve when you were tired, by GOD'S GRACE that sacrifice will not be forgotten, love the sermon you had about christ, his body and blood.

You really had a nice day my dear. You see that your beautiful cloth, in case you spread it outside and you didnt see it again, please know that i have stolen it oooo, 😂😁😆 because i love it

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