(All4One)||Who are your Friends??|| Wednesday Diet|| 100 Percent Payout to @steemalive

in SteemAlive2 years ago


100% of this post pays out to @steemalive


I recall a conversation I had with my younger sister the night before. She was gisting me and the conversation turned towards friends and friendship. It was as we were talking that it dawned on me the kind of friends I had/have and how it has impacted my life so far ,and also the direction my life is going.


Allow me share a recent experience with you.
Last month,I had a misunderstanding with someone,I was wrongly accused of something I wasn't even aware of and the other person was adamant to see reason even after my explanations. This issue really got to me and I told my friend with whom I took the picture directly above.

  • Quess what he told me?

He asked me to go apologize to the other person even when he knew I hadn't done anything wrong or worth apologizing for.

  • Why should I do that?.. I asked him?

Because he wanted me to have a clear conscience before God no matter who was wrong.
Even though I didn't feel right about it,I still went to apologise after which I cried🙈🙈😂

He who walks with the wise shall become wise,but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.... Proverbs 13:20

You'll notice from this scripture of the Bible that it's the friend of a fool that will be destroyed,not the fool.
There's this popular adage,show me your friend and I'll tell you who you are.

Another adage says that 'If a man has 5 wealthy friends, he'll soon become the 6th wealthy one and if a man has 5 foolish friends, he'll soon become the 6th foolish person'.

History always repeats itself. Time and again in the society we see,watch or hear about the upliftment or downfall of a man or woman,there's always a relationship to the kind of 'friend(s)' they have.

By friends I mean your association.

Steemit lines.png

  • Who do you allow into the happenings of your daily life?.
  • Who do you go to for advice?
  • Who is your 'close' friend?

They say likes attract. The holy book says that 'the countenance of a man brightens that of his brother or friend'.
The truth is that 'words are deep' and can unsuspectingly seep into your mind and become either a stronghold or pattern.
Like I said earlier....show me your friend and I'll tell you not just who you are but who you'll become.

Who we are is largely a product of 3 things;

  • The books you read
  • The person /people you listen to.
  • The things that come out of your mouth.

Address these 3 and you have addressed the man.


Choose your 'friends' wisely for a man's enemy isn't always an outsider but those of his own house.....of course there's another side to this and in subsequent writings I'll touch on this.

I Hope you got value from this piece? All pictures were taken by me. Till I come your way next time...bye.

 2 years ago 

Lol. I betcha @estheroge

 2 years ago 

This is indeed a powerful message @ngozi996 I learnt from it too.It's Important we listen to good messages and follow decent and godly because humans are easily influenced by what they watch,see and whom they follow.

 2 years ago 

Yes they are,more reason we should be careful @samuel20

I've added one thing,
Apologize even when you're not wrong .

I shouldn't regret going through your post♥️

 2 years ago 

I'm glad you got value @barnabie

 2 years ago 

@ngozi996 this a great piece of advice and all your quotes are directly on point.

The books you read
The person /people you listen to.
The things that come out of your mouth.

Those points above are key factors to good relationship. Thanks for sharing.

 2 years ago 

Thanks for stopping by,I'm glad you got value @essygold

 2 years ago 

Another adage says that 'If a man has 5 wealthy friends, he'll soon become the 6th wealthy one and if a man has 5 foolish friends, he'll soon become the 6th foolish person

this is interestingly true. You did well by needing the advice of your friend and acting on it.
Friends can impact you positively or influence you negatively.
I am bless by this post from you @ngozi996

 2 years ago 

Im glad you got value from the post @pato84

 2 years ago 

O yes my dear reputation mate

 2 years ago 

I love your write-up and i enjoyed your story very well, Is good to be sure before you accuse somwone and also always to keep good friends

 2 years ago 

Im glad you got something out of it. Thanks fot stopping by @joeboi

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