'7 Days Writing Challenge' Day 2. Diary Game for 24th August 2021. An Activity Filled Day.

in SteemAlive3 years ago (edited)


A very beautiful day to everyone in the @steemalive community.
My day was a very eventful one. I moved from indicisive to not having enough time for myself. Here's how my day went.

My Day Proper

I woke up today by 5:02am to pray. Finished my prayers around 6:32am and went back to sleep.
Today is one of those days I don't want to get out of bed at alllllll, nevertheless, I later woke up by 7:30am because my mum was moving around the house and well,noise was being made.

I immediately made breakfast of white rice and stew and served my mum and my younger brother.

White rice and stew.

Ever since Monday morning I've been wanting to do wash some dirty clothes,so today I washed them.

My washed clothes.

While washing the rains came heavily,but it didn't stop me from completing my laundry.
By the time I was done washing,it was already 11:15am.
I planned paying my grandmother a surprise visit and had scheduled to leave the house by 12pm, so I hurriedly had my bath and dressed up.
I finally left my house by 1:30pm because my mum had a package to deliver to my granny,and she wasn't ready with it yet.
Mind you today is behaving like a human being with mood swings.
First it was heavy rains all morning,then by 12pm, the weather changed to heavy sun and now the clouds are gathering.
Biko who offended the weather today?

On the way to my village

While at the pos stand at Road 19 Worldbank last round about where I was withdrawing,I noticed shop owners were dismantling their shops and I asked why
They said the government asked them to move from that site,reasons they didn't know,

Dismantling their shops

but while scrolling on my whatsapp status I saw a circular passed to that effect

1st Page of the circular

2nd page of the circular

I felt so sorry for them.
On my way to the bus stop I saw a suya seller sampling mouthwatering suya and chicken for customers.
Yummy roadside meat
I didn't know suya is sold during the day...see upgrade

A Surprise visit to my Grandmum At the Village

I arrived my maternal home by 2:10pm and one could feel the joy in my granny's heart. She even allowed me take a selfie with her.

Selfie with my granny.

I stayed gisting,listening to her complaints and catching up with her till 4:10pm when I left for Federal Polythenic Nekede.
Today is our fellowship and its always an awesome time in God's presence.
While going for fellowship I was able to get my spotlight:A sign post
Only for me to realize later that I didn't get a sign post,what I got was a banner.

Picture of banner(my supposed sign post)

Fellowship ended by 8:20pm and It was an amazing time in God's presence.
We had a brief workers meeting and the dispersed to our various destinations.
I'm home as I write and it's been an activity filled day.
Hope your day was fun?,
Thanks for reading,Goodnight!!


I stayed gisting,listening to her complaints and catching up with her till 4:10pm when I left for Federal Polythenic Nekede.

@ngozi996, you did very good to visit her. Discussing with her will increase your knowledge on several things/issues from her wealth of experience. It's worthwhile.

 3 years ago 

Very true. I need the wealth of experience she has to offer @sammylinks

 3 years ago 

Honestly, it's always difficult when government want to develop areas in the town, well I hope do enjoyed with Granny?

 3 years ago 

I wish they'd develop it. They've been doing this for years now,leave a land fallow and them chase away inhabitants who want to make a living from there. It's just pitiful @flint881

Your breakfast look so yummy. You did well by visiting your grandmother they always feel happy when they see there grandchildren around them.

 3 years ago 

Thank you. Yes they do. It gives them joy. @yakspeace

 3 years ago 

Infact your day was well spent don't regret it at all. See your Grandma looking cheerful as you snapped her, am sure she will never stop pouring blessings on you. Next time you get there just greet her for me. Thanks @ngozi996

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