THE DIARY GAME SEASON 3 (19/04/2021) // the forest of promised harm

in SteemAlive3 years ago


Good evening amazing steemians it's good to be back after a while, how are you all doing? and hope you had a great day today? I'm here to talk about how I spent my 19th of April 2021


I can't say I woke up early today because I didn't really sleep last night, I had a test to right today at 8:00am so I read throughout the night to cover all the area I was thought in the course. The night reading wasn't in vain cause I really covered up all the topics I was taught in the course so when it was 6:00am I stopped my revision and went to do my daily routine pray, brush my teeth, take my bath and prepared noodles for myself.

I got to school early prepared for the test the lecturer didn't come early he came around 9:00am only for him to say the test will be postponed I was really angry!!!!!!! with myself and everything cause I remembered how much I've sacrificed just to be prepared for the test which he postponed and I said to my self "what a waste of sleep" . Today's morning for me was bad cause I wasn't really happy.

When I got back to my hostel I slept a little and woke up around 12:00pm, my hostel mate came to me and insisted I must come watch a play she's going to act in the school by 4:pm, I couldn't decline her invitation cause she is a nice person.

I left to school in the evening with my friend @vhenom and @eloksjoseph to go watch her play the title of the play is "THE FOREST OF PROMISED HARM" it was really nice play to watch.


It was about a hunter who was obsessed in entering and coming out of a forest called "the almighty forest" anyone that enters the forest never comes out alive but due to his determination and preparation he went into the forest faced a lot of demons and animals and conquered them but unfortunately he lost his way back which made him stay in the forest for over 3years until his late mother's spirit appeared to him and showed him the way out.




the play was so nice that it made me to forget about what happened earlier today and made my day fun, the forest of promised harm made my day.

This is all I have for us about 19th if April 2021, i hope you all enjoyed it thank you for taking your time to read I really appreciate God bless.

Cc @steemcurator01
Cc @steemcurator02
Cc @steemcurator04
Cc @steemexclusive
Cc @booming02

 3 years ago 

Sorry about the cancellation of the test. It can really be annoying. Especially when you prepared so well.
Determination can make you break losses some certain ties you know. That story depicts a lot more than just a story. It reflects the contemporary society which we are in. You see that your friend was doing you some good by insisting you came with her.
Thank you for sharing. Hoping to read from you again soon.

Thank you for this reply @craxywriter it means a lot

 3 years ago 

You are most welcome.
#cameroon #twopercent.

It's well oh, Nigerian tertiary institution can do that ehh, but what ever, your reading is not in vain

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