in SteemAlive3 years ago

Image designed by me on whatsApp


To some extent, I have read quite a lot, if not about life, probably about my career. Although, not everything I read could easily be understood and of course, if it's understood, it would be cheap and probably have no value. (Just like a girl that answers proposal the day a man proposes). If we examine succinctly, cheap things don't have real value.

In fact, as a matter of fact, life doesn't give you good things cheaply. Note: if it's cheap, it either has no value or someone has probably worked for it.

So, you need to get the art. The art is not always easy to get though, but of course, without it, it's not easy to act.

Some people like to act without the art to act. You don't go on stage to act unless you know what the script says. So also, you don't jump into any business without proper orientation of what it entails. You need the art.

Things you should do before you act.

Preparation:-Preparation is a must for anyone that must act in life. Preparation is very important in life. We all know the saying;

If you fail to prepare, you are preparing to fail.

Yes. That is it. A man that fail to prepare is already a failure. It is also pertinent to know that a place of preparation is a place to learn, relearn and unlearn.

Humility:- those who get the art to act are not those who are arrogant, they are those who humble themselves and learn the art. It is unfortunate that many people want to act without giving themselves to the art.

Resilience:- This is another quality you must possess if truly you want to act.
According to Merriam webster Dictionary,

Resilience is the ability to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad happens.

Irrespective of the odds, you must resolve not to give up. And this is one of the quality that separate winners from loser, successful people from unsuccessful ones.

Knowledge:- The best way to get the art is to seek knowledge in line with what you want to act on. You must be properly fed for your action to bring good result.

However, you may not know all before you start acting. Like my experience in my career. You may need to read more than three times before you know everything. You may need to start acting once you are 60-70% fed.

The mistake some people make is they don't act when they are fed. You don't need to wait for perfect condition to act. Remember: if you wait for perfect condition, you may not get anything done

If you have the ART and you are not ACTING then you are wasting not only the ART, you are wasting generation. The ART is not for you to keep, it is there to bless your generation.
Today, I challenge you to ACT since you have the ART.

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