Building a Healthy Relationship - Written by @msquaretwins

in SteemAlive2 years ago

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Good day to you everyone. I welcome you to another great and beautiful week. I hope you had a great week last week. My name is Kehinde Micheal and my username is @msquaretwins here on this platform. In this post I am going to be writing about Building a Relationship.


Building a Healthy Relationship


When you hear about relationship, what comes to your mind? Boyfriend and girlfriend love? Marital partner? Relationship is more than that. Relationship is a way you relate not only with your finacee or finance, your family member but with everyone you have dealings with, your family members, your neighbors, friends, coworkers or colleagues at work, religion members etc.

The way you relate with people around you will determine the kind of support you get from them. While relationship is not meant for demanding from people, but there is no way you relate well with people around you that they will not come to your aid when you are in need physically, emotionally, spiritually or materially.

Now the question is that how do you build a strong and healthy relationship with people? How do you build a lasting relationship? Or how do you fuel a relationship?

To build a healthy relationship that is strong yet healthy you must;

  • Develop Core Values: Many enter a relationship whether at work, business relationship or relationship in the community without any core value or principles. This is very bad. If you don't have anything guiding your life, you will not enjoy any relationship you entered. If you don't stand for something, definitely, you will fall for many things. It is good to have core values for your life and let's people you are relating with know what you stand for. If a man knows what you stand for he will respect you for that.

  • Set Boundary: We often make mistake of not setting boundary for relationship. Boundary is very important in any relationship. What is the exact thing I must not accept in this relationship? At what stage is the relationship not healthy again? What is expected of us to do and not to do in this relationship? Setting boundary will help you to keep a relationship healthy.

  • Communicate the Issue: Relationship without good communication will not last. When commutation is lacking in a relationship, the relationship will not go smoothly. In relationship communication helps to trash out issue between or among the parties involved. Don't assume, communicate.

  • View Things not only in Your Perspective: Good relationship involves the parties involved to bring suggestion and things to the table. You must know that different things like suggestion, idea, dream etc will be talked about at every point in time. To build a healthy relationship, you must not always stand on your point, you must also see things in others perspective. Opinion of others in a relationship with you also matters. Don't discard idea or suggestion. Welcome ideas, suggestion and opinion of others.

  • Be Patient: One of the things that keep a relationship healthy is patience. Many are not patient enough to relate with their neighbors, colleagues, family members and friends. Everybody has different temperament and characters. Hence, we are not wired the same way. To build a healthy relationship, you must be aware of this. When matter arises, you must be patient enough to solve it. Even when you are right, you still need to be patient. Often times, impatience can make you to be on the wrong side, meanwhile you might be right.




Building a strong and healthy relationship requires that you use your energy to make it work. You must welcome ideas from people who you are dealing with. You must be ready to sacrifice for that relationship. Don't always been on the look out reaping from the relationship. After all , a healthy relationship should be give and take. But I will advice that you should focus mainly on give. Those who build a strong and healthy relationship never focus on the "take" of "give". When you do the points listed above, you can be certain of building a relationship that is healthy and strong.

Thank you for reading

 2 years ago 

I cherish this your saying:

Setting boundary will help you to keep a relationship healthy.

Boundary is essential for a healthy relationship even in marriage. This your post should go viral because it's impact is great and it's value is high. Weldone


Yea. Thank you for reading my article. And many thanks for the review.

 2 years ago 

Patience is one the good quality to keep relationship healthy,@msquretwins, you mentioned 5 qualities to build a healthy relationship, you did not mention love and money, are not all that important?

I remembered there was a contest in engagement Challenge season 1 where people choose money instead of love to enjoy happy home, please what do you have to say on that?

Of course love is very important. Without love it is impossible to start a relationship. In fact, love is the requisite for any relationship.

About the contest you mentioned, I remember. In fact I also did the contest. However, I believe love is more important than money. I am not saying money is not good, but love rules over all qualities. If love is not important, the scripture will not dwell so much on the subject of love. The Bible says, pharaparsing now "for the law is summed up in one sentence, love your neighbors as yourself " In another part of the scripture, it says, "you shall love your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and the second law is that you must love your neighbors as yourself".

Then first Corinthians 13 dwelt so much on the subject of love. The kind of love we should show to our neighbors, colleagues, coworkers, family and friends.

Part of the quality of love is that it does not insist on its own way. Meaning that, to love people, we must view things not only in our perspective. Love is patient. We must excercise patient with one another. These are some of the things that help us build a strong and healthy relationship. And these are part of what I mentioned in my article.

On the other hand, money is good but I believe it cannot build a relationship. It is good to have money, but in my opinion it can never be placed above love. Money is not patient, but love is. Money never calm down😀... Have you ever seen people that are rich, how many of them build a healthy relationship with people. Those that build relationship with others are moved by love for others. Literally, money is arrogant.

I appreciate your well thought contribution. Love comes first when building a strong and healthy relationship.

 2 years ago 

What a lovely way to clarify my question @msquretwins, I agree with you that love is number one as the Bible clearly put, God is love, it was love that moved God to create all things, it is love that move Jesus Christ to die for us, no wonder the bible said that, anyone who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen, thank you ones again for this healthy post that will help anyone who read it to build a strong and healthy relationship, i hope to read more of your can join our engagement group for more engagement link

Wow! Great! Thank you for engaging once again. I can't wait to join the engagement group. Thanks for the invite

 2 years ago 

Thank you

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