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RE: SteemAlive Presents: ProWritersHub (W6) - Wash your hands regularly to stay healthy by @afshaan

in SteemAlive2 years ago

@afshaan do you believe washing of hands is after working, I don't believe in that bro, wash your hands when you know you should because when you are working on the street you Play with friends,shake them with your hands so tell why you shouldn't wash your hands regular.

 2 years ago 

yeah it is so so important and I love it also

This includes before and after eating, before and after touching your face, before and after using the bathroom, before and after handling raw meat, before and after preparing food, before and after handling pets, before and after blowing your nose, before and after sneezing, and before and after coughing or blowing your nose.

we all should try to wash our hands after doing all this

 2 years ago 

yeah, washing our hands is very important so it will be better if we take it serious and put it practice, it also good to Wash our hands after doing all of that mention above.

You should also wash your hands with soap and water before touching any food you are going to eat.

Yes you are right and we should wash our hands with soap and water before and after touching our face.

Thanks for commenting brother actually washing your hands is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of germs and disease.

 2 years ago 

washing help you stay clean and free, and it very important to wash your hands when coming back from work or market.

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