Prowriters hub week 003|immigration-economic, opportunities the challenge and the realities on ground by @morgan76

in SteemAlive2 years ago
Hello steemalive, I welcome everyone to this new week contest organized by @steemalive. in this article i will be discussing on immigration.

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immigration is the act or the process which a man/woman leave there state or country to another mans country of origination to search of greener pastures in others man country/land.

Reason for migration

People don't, just travel and leave there town to another man's town the must a better reason for it or the must have a plan with.
below are some few reasons for migration.

  • Poor economy
  • Education
  • Greener pastures

Poor economy: do you know that people leave there own country to another man's country because of the poor economy in country, just like my country Nigeria many of us migrates to another country because of the economy and people also migrates to our country.

Education: some people leave the country to study more outside the country so that the will more have more knowledge on what the are studying.

Greener pastures: some people are in search of so many things so traveling will also help them a lot but the mighty be forced to leave there own country, but the are people who also achieve In there home town.

Problem faced by immigration

  • It will hard for them to find a job for them self since the just entered the country.

  • you will find it hard understand the new language.

  • Housing

  • a lot of immigration are denial of some of there post even when they are capable.

economy benefits of immigration

  • immigration also help to develop a country economy.

  • it will also help the government of that country to develop more revenue.

  • it will help the damage of goods and services in that country to get higher.

  • It help to reduce the rate of Poverty in a country.


immigration is good and it help a lot and I have also thought of migrating to another country but you need to have some money with you, you don't just move out of your country like that.
many people are passing through a lot because of migrating, so please because you think of it you have to plan your self very well.

Special mention.

 2 years ago 

You are right @morgan76. Most people that migrated to another country did that out of good reason. The challenge is that many die on the process, some came back with nothing while just few survived.

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 2 years ago 

Thank you very much ma for going through my post.
My regards

 2 years ago 

Immigration is one of the major reasons behind the economic growth of many countries and because of that every country supports it

 2 years ago 

It is true that before we migrate,we should all be careful and also plan our selves well because if you don't plan well you might end up loosing many things.

 2 years ago 

Yes @ogwo you need to plan your self very well.
Thanks for going through my post.

 2 years ago 

Think before you japa.
The grass is not always greener at the other side.
Thank you for writing such a wonderful article.

 2 years ago 

Thanks too for going through my post.

Yes you are right poor economy and education are the basic causes of immigration I guess you did well research for your post

 2 years ago 

Yes sir, the are the main reason for immigration.


 2 years ago 

Ok thanks

Welcome brother

 2 years ago 

Welcome too sir

Brother i want to ask something from you please tell me where is the result of week 2 please tell me

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