THE DIARY GAME:: WE ARE BACK! :: BY @mikemm:: 10% to @Steemalive 02/04/2022

in SteemAlive3 years ago


Hi everyone. How are you all doing? Hope you had a nice day? Today is a very special day for me and for some eight million like minded people around the world. Ten percent of payment is to be payed to @Steemalive. So, let me gist you about it.



The year was 2020. The month March, the Nigerian government announced that as henceforth, all public gathering was banned. This included Parties, rallies, weddings, football matches and religious gatherings. In one word, all large and small gatherings were banned.

We really understood why these restrictions were made. Because It was to curtail the raging spread of the COVID-19 virus.

For we [Jehovah's Witnesses], all in-house gathering of our theocratic activities were also banned till further notice. This meant that no house to house preaching activities, no physical studying of the Bible with interested individuals except by some video conferencing enabled social medias like Skype, Zoom and WhatsApp or by phone call.

Even though we complied to this new way of doing things, there's no substitute to in-person meetings. We continued until days turned into months, months turned to year's. So for two year's we had all our meetings online via Zoom Cloud Meeting.

Do you known one thing about life I have observed? "No condition is permanent!" So sometimes last month, the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses, announced that our in-person meeting was to be resumed on April 1, 2022.

What a relief to hear that! At last we could meet again! We couldn't wait for it to happen.

At The Kingdom



I was the first to arrive at the meeting. I came an hour before time. That was some way I was expressing my profound joy for this wonderful privilege to worship my God Jehovah in person.
After a while, some other enthusiastic brothers started to come. We took pictures and were very happy to see each other after two years.


Ten minutes to the beginning of the meeting, the kingdom hall was already bubbling with happy faces. Something we had missed all this while. When the opening song started, we sang with all our voices in praise to God.
Although most in attendance were fully vaccinated, we still kept to all the COVID-19 protocols. Wearing mask was strongly emphasized in the instructions given to us by the governing body.


At the close of the meeting, we spent another hour and half in our interchange of love and encouragement. I know by now that all popular social media sites, will be buzzing with pictures of this memorable day.

To top it all, Jehovah God sent us rain to infuse a sweet and pleasurable sleep to us.



The Bible book of Psalms 133:1 puts it this way "Look! How good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!"
Yes, we experienced the true meaning of those words. We can only thank our God Jehovah for those wonderful moments and memories.

So like the title of my write up states, "we are back!"


 3 years ago 

I rejoiced when they said "come let's go up to the house of Jehovah".

Two years was just like a decade. We really longed to be at Jehovah's house.

It was awesome.

Thanks for sharing

You are welcome @misterfab for sharing in the same joy as mine. Thanks also for going through my blog.

"Look! How good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!"

It's really a thing of joy to be back to our various kingdom halls for meetings in-person than visuals.
Thank you fore sharing your content with us

Thank you brother for taking time to go through my post. Thank you once again.

You are welcome 🤗

Thank you brother.

You are welcome

Thank you @focusnow for going through my post. I appreciate.

Thank @steemalive for viewing and voting my post.

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