7 Days Contest/The dairy game/ How I spend my yesterday //@mikemm 28/8/21

in SteemAlive3 years ago
My dear steemalive family. How are you all? Hope you are all in great shape. I know you i'll enjoy this writeup.

My morning activities

As usual in this part of our world, we are deeply religious. So prayers and Bible study/reading is a norm for us Christians. This morning i did both. I had in mind to watch a famous soap opera known as " my flatmates". On Saturday mornings, there's always a repeat of all the weeks episodes to grant an opportunity for those who missed any. I anticipated that i'll be one of such. But unfortunately, there was no power to watch it. It was in two ways. No "NEPA" light and no fuel in my generator.

Nevertheless, i still watched the program on my phone. It's really a hilarious comedy show that will gets you cranking your ribs.

After watching the program, i then ate my breakfast. Went for a shower and continued my Steemalive writeup. Much of my morning was spent studying.

Afternoon/Evening activities

My afternoon was spent in anticipation of watching the Liverpool versus Chelsea match which was to be shown at 5:30 pm. I always like this fixture because it's always controversial and has a wide range of viewers.

When it was almost time, i called my friend Jeff to find out if he was going to watch it at home or in a joint. He said he would watch it at home. I then told him i will join him. I did. And we watched it together.

Me and my friend @misterfab during the match

It was a wonderful time. We had fun. He was a Chelsea fan why i am Liverpool.
Chelsea score first so he started celebrating which made me feel bad. I was hopeful though and it paid off later.
When Chelsea scored

Like i mentioned earlier, i didn't give up because i never do that. I am always an optimist. So we kept watching and drinking too.

Sipping my drink waiting for an equalizer

Patiently i waited for the equalizer which finally came at the 45th minute. Salah scored, and it was my so it was my own time to be jubilant. All in all, it was a good day.


Always fine time in your busy schedule to spend time with friends and family. It makes your life more meaningful.



It's a good thing to always spend your time with quality friends, I am happy you've got such lovely friends and family.

Coin Marketplace

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JST 0.029
BTC 59288.97
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.39