in SteemAlive4 years ago (edited)

Hello steem,
This is actually meant to be my yesterday's post for the diary game but due to some circumstances I wasn't able to post it then so I decided to do it today.

It was really a beautiful day for me, I woke up early by 6:00am because I wanted to do my laundry before my cousins wake up to occupy the bathroom so I did my laundry that early morning before any other person wakes up.

Me doing my laundry

This is the soap I used, tablet soap

After my laundry which ended by 6:55am, I went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for everyone in the house because my Aunt's children are home so we all live together. Since I was the first to get out of bed, I had to make breakfast while they join as they wake up ,so I made fried potatoes with pap(fermented maize) , the potatoes took a while to get ready because it was fried so it needed to be properly done before eating. After frying the potatoes I made the pap, the pap is done with hot water. So breakfast was ready by 8:02am.

Fried potatoes for breakfast

This is the pap(fermented maize) ready to be made with hot water

After the breakfast was ready I brushed my teeth by then everyone was awake and ready to take breakfast and dash out of the house to attend to their various appointments for the day. So we served breakfast and we all ate. So after eating I took my shower and dressed up by then it was 10:05am. I wanted to visit my friend Anastasia but she said she was not home when I called to know if she was home. She said she travelled to Owerri a neighbouring city to ours to make delivery of the cake we baked the previous day which I went to help her with. So because of that I had to stay back home. Because I planned visiting her in the afternoon time but she travelled as we discussed earlier. So I decided to bake something for myself and my cousins since there was no appointments to attend to instead of whiling away the whole day I decided to bake muffin for everyone in the house.

The muffin being prepared

Muffin already prepared and poured into the muffin tray for baking

So by the time the muffin was done it was already 4:45pm. Because it took a lot processes to prepare it and I was just the only one doing it so it took much time compared to when I'm assisted. So it was really getting dark as time went by , at that time everyone was already coming back home so I served them the muffins as they came back one after another. After eating the muffins I had no appetite for dinner so I decided to go to bed and get some sleep as time was clocking 6:15pm by then after I had my night bath because I was really feeling hot after the whole baking.

My day was actually busy but it was fun for me because I did my baking, baking is one of the things I enjoy doing.

From me @marydexplorer

My team @steemalive2


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