My diary post /#the diary game /unending season/ 21/3/2021

in SteemAlive3 years ago

Greetings.... 😊

Today was Sunday and as such is the day for church service for all Christians across the world.

So I woke up in the morning by 6:00am, I wanted to have a word of prayer but I woke up late there was no much time to say my prayers, then I quickly grabbed my toothbrush brushed my teeth, had my bath and dressed up for service immediately.

I left my house around 6:50am then got to church venue by 7:20am, first service had already started when I got there I entered and sat down.

This was when My pastor was dishing out the word of knowledge

This was the praise Leader doing her thing

people were dancing during the praise session

Our service today was about business conference, though the theme of the sermon was "business shift" we were enlightened about the principles of a good successful business.
which includes :

  • commitment
  • consistency
  • proper planning
  • application of frugality
  • knowledge : this involves reading books that will help to build our minds and expand our understanding about our business example of such books are "the billionaire's mind by T. Harv Eker and other books like "The rules of management" and so on.

Service ended by 11:30am after which everyone exchanged pleasantries then began to leave one after the other.

I got home by 12:13pm by then I was already very hungry so I entered the kitchen to get some food for myself after I changed my clothes.

When I was done eating there was nothing else to do in the house so I went to the living room to see a movie. After seeing the movie I slept off on the couch 😁

When I woke up it was 5:54pm ,I went to the bathroom to take a bath then dressed in my night gown and began to do some research work on the net.

The work lasted for hours which I concluded before going to bed. I didn't take dinner anyway because I was still filled with the lunch I had earlier.

My day was stress free it was more like a resting day, though that's how my sundays usually are, It's a resting day for me.

Thanks for reading through 😍

This is me here

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