THE DIARY GAME: MONDAY 23/5/2022 BY @luchyl

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)


Beautiful Monday to all Steemians, trust you all had a great day. Mine was great though a bit busy.
Thank you all for always being there and engaging in my posts and it's always a source of encouragement for me to write more and that's why I'm back to share the rundown of how my day went.
Usually here in Aba, Mondays have been turned to another day of rest due to the sit at home, so I usually work from home, including doing other chores, and today was no exception.


My morning started a little bit late because overslept. I retired to bed late and needed to make up for it.
Waking up, had my morning Communion with my creator. Few minutes after that, a call came in from a prospect who needed to make enquiries about advertising his business which I gave him all the needed information.
I checked my WhatsApp messages, mails, Facebook, and made some replies. I also engaged in some posts in steemalive and Linkedin.
That done, I set out for the morning chores.
First I tended my small farm. I noticed that worms were eating the corn and vegetables there so I weeded it, applied the pesticide I bought for it, and finally fertilizer. I also harvested some achara that I will use to prepare native vegetable soup.

My small farm

Breakfast was next and I had porridge beans with garri ngwa.
That done, I did laundry and some cleaning because I was unable to do so over the weekend. In between that, I was attending to some clients via calls and WhatsApp.
Had my bath and rested for a while.


Afternoon came accompanied by heavy rain. Alas, my small farm was in trouble because the pesticide I applied will be washed away by the rain when it hadn't done its work, that means I will have to reapply it some other time.
Also, the clothes I washed enjoyed enough rain 😂.
I had earlier planned on frying chin chin today so I used the afternoon to do that.
After that, I had lunch; garri with ụgborụ (fluted pumpkin leaf) soup cooked with achara.

My sweet chin chin. 😋


The rain continued till early evening and wasn't planning on stopping and I had to go to my parents house to give my mom the new medication I got from her doctor, so I jejely carried my umbrella and set out.
When I got to the junction leading to my parent's house (Ukaegbu Junction by compost road), I noticed it wasn't as busy as it usually does, and some shops were locked too, maybe because of the sit at home and rain too.


Got there, and they were happy to see me, mom especially because of the medications I brought for her which will further help in her recovery. I was served yam with red oil sauce but I couldn't eat it because my stomach was still full with the garri I ate.
We started chatting and in between she showed me the things her last daughter Inlaw brought for her the day she visited.
I was there till around past 7pm and the rain was still falling, but I no send am as I found my way home.

Got home, had a hot water bath followed by warm quaker oat for dinner.
After that it was time to surf the net plus sharing my post.
Oh, what a rainy Monday!
For the night, I've planned on doing early to bed, early to rise😂


I'm glad I was able to achieve all I planned doing toddy, and I hope you equally achieved yours.
Wishing each of us a pleasant night rest.
Thank you.

@steemalive @focusnow


You're really taking care of your farm,very soon they'll start producing fruits. I'll be looking forward to a tutorial on how to make chin chin. Sorry about you mom,I hope she's getting better.

 2 years ago 

Yes, she is, thanks for your concern.

 2 years ago 

Sorry about the rain that beats your clothes but thank God you said your clothes enjoyed it. Please how about your mom? How is she doing? Last time I read your post, you went to the hospital with her. Hope she is recovering?

I love small gardens like your own. Just that I don't have a place to plant it either.


Please always make use of text-center headings and alignment in your post. It makes it neat and more attractive

 2 years ago 

Mom is recovering well, thanks for asking.

 2 years ago 

You are welcome dear

 2 years ago 

You call your farm small farm, it is not smalloo because that space can give you good every season, when this finish you plant another thing, you can also use organic fertilizer to boost the land
Thank you for sharing your day with us

 2 years ago 

Thanks for your kind words. I already planned on re-planting once I harvest these ones.


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 2 years ago 

Breakfast was next and I had porridge beans with garri ngwa.

This is great @luchyl.
Ngwa garri is the best garri ever seen. And the way you ate it with beans have caused me a serious problem over here. Do you know am salivating now? Its not good o. Next time, invite me over.

So, you can prepare chinchin? Ohh my God, please make a post indicating its processes. Am interested.

 2 years ago 

I love the chinchin. I will like to have some. Sorry about the rain. You can put the chemical again.

 2 years ago (edited)

by warm quaker oat for dinner.

Hello my dear sister from another mother @luchyl this food that your just mentioned was my favorite when I was small and I am missing it now oo, I don't know how to prepare it. Please are you doing to teach me?..

There it seems I have my hands-on that yummy chin chin of yours . But , am still here reading your post . Although taken in deep breath , yet am swallowing nothing . Though it just normal kind of longer throat . Have fun .

 2 years ago 

Yes o, that "longer throat" is a normal kind of urge that everyone has once in a while, so no worries. Thanks for stopping by to read my post.

Wow! The farm, I mean the farm. You have done noble to care for it this far but I will love to assist and take over from you from when the maize starts being mature. How about that? Lolz...

I think it will be a source of relief to you? Thanks for sharing your dairy.

 2 years ago 

There shouldn't be a problem with that. Be sure you will be available when it's time to weed it again.

 2 years ago 

Your farm is beautiful and your chin chin looks yummy, yummy. I wish I could have some of them.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for the kind words. Yes, the chin chin is very sweet and yummy.

 2 years ago 

Thanks 😊👍

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