My Diary Game Season 03: How I spent my Day on Wednesday 01/12/2021: Attending to Parents On A Visitation Day in My School. 10% payout to @steemalive by @linheart.

in SteemAlive3 years ago (edited)

10%beneficiary to @steemalive


Good day my lovely Steemians in @steemalive Community. It's a great and joyous thing to share with you how I spent my day, doing my house chores and Teaching my pupils and also attending to parents as the came for their wards Visitation Day in my school.

Morning Hours

My morning always begins with prayers singing and words of admonition from the scripture my husband who is the priest of the house will always lead out in Bible study. While I lead in songs from the Hymnal and prayers are said/led interchangeably on daily basis.
After the morning devotion I went straight to the kitchen to set up breakfast. Because of darkness I couldn't have some snapshots of the delicacies I made for breakfast.
Then I dress my suckling baby while my husband was busy attending the older child. When we were all set , we zoomed off to works.


Reaching the school where I teach, Hope Academy Primary and Nursery School the morning was ongoing.
After that all pupils, kindergartens and staff dispersed to their varioust classes.


Attending to my baby, dressing her hair

Once in a term we do have what we call Open Day. It is a day that is mapped out for parents and to visit the school to interact and appreciate the effort of the guardian of their wards and also rub mind together in any challenging area.

Interacting with a parent and her ward



On this day some parents do bring gifts along for the teacher or some cash gifts. It happened that this week I am the one on duty meaning that I will be last last staff to leave the school after making sure that every pupil have been conveyed home by the school buses which which goes two times.

Afternoon Hours

After making sure that all pupils have been conveyed home and all things are in order, I followed the last school bus to drop by the junction to my street. So I got home at 3:00pm.
I was already stressed up. I had my lunch and made food for my kids and tried to bathe them so they could sleep while I prepared dinner

Taking my lunch

Evening Hour

By the time I was done with works in the kitchen it was already evening, so I got set my husband's dinner on the dinning table, awaiting his return from shop.
When he finally came home, after taking his dinner and bathe , we had our evening prayer and retired to bed.


It was a very stressful day Serving as a mother of two kids and a class teacher of over 50pupils. But I thank God for the strength He gives me each day to discharge my responsibilities religiously.

Special Mentions.

Warmest Regards

 3 years ago 

Your day was well spent. Thanks for sharing

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Great work out there. Keep it up

Thanks you ma

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