Steemalive Roadshow/ Team Goal Getters Membership Drive Rally On Friday 26/11/2021 Was Awesome by @lazbless 10% Payout to @steemalive

in SteemAlive3 years ago


I bring you all warm greetings from my side. Hope we're all doing great. I'm here once again to bring to you my promotional Activities on Friday. Stay tune and enjoy your reading ☺️.

How it started


It started very early on the morning as I woke up, said my morning prayers as usual, did my chores and of course ate before leaving because definitely without food, they'll be no strength for Promotion. Lolz. So after I finished with my breakfast, I prepared and left for the Promotion.

The venue was University of Uyo First Gate . I was quite late so I met my team members already in the business and I didn't waste time in joining. There can't be dulling moment in Steemit. Everyone was just busy sharing flyers and telling people about Steemit. Unlike some days that many people will be giving the "I don't care attitude", yesterday's own was different because the number of people who were interested in knowing what we were doing was far greater than those who didn't want to listen.

What Really Made yesterday's Roadshow Unique


I recorded the uniqueness and awesomeness of yesterday's Roadshow with Team Goal Getters in two ways.

I noticed everyone appeared on the Steemalive t-shirt, this was awesome as the uniformity alone was enough to attract many passerbys.


Secondly our very own state Representative @ngoenyi joined the us in the team. Wow.


This was really amazing and she didn't come alone, she came with @benton3 and @goodybest. I was really happy seeing this personalities especially considering the fact that I haven't seen them for a very long time.

The Team Promotional Activities


Every one was just up and doing, getting busy for Steemit. Steemian like @akpan promised himself never to be left behind. I admire his strength and zeal very much.


I get motivated each time I see him working effortlessly for Steemit. If you hear him talking about Steemit, you'll just fall in love with Steemit immediately. And with him in Steemit, Steemit is moving higher. Just like @akpan was getting busy for Steemit, other steemians in the team were also on it, @chichieze got up to two sign ups and the rest also did.

My Personal Efforts


Personally I wasn't left out too, since the environment already was favourable for me, I was flowing too well, I talked to as many people as God brought my way, some wanted signing up but network didn't allow so I got their numbers and I gave them mine too.



I told the students like I'm also a student like them and I'm helping myself from the little I'm getting from the platform, I told them the reason I'm getting little gain is because I just joined the platform few weeks ago and more are coming once I get used to the platform. I told them they could also be benefiting from it just like I am. After talking with some students for some minutes, I was really exhausted plus the fact that the weather wasn't friendly at all but it was still fun anyways.

Pictures Speaking










After few hours of promoting Steemit, it was getting late and it was almost time for training so we decided to take group picture and disperse. But before going home, our state representative got roasted yam/pepper and fish for us which is known in the rivers state as bole.


I really enjoyed the meal especially the native aspect and it's nutritional value, which is iron and carbohydrate and they all give energy but it was pepperish. Lolz.



Steemit is really a family, apart from the monetary aspect of it, it's gives you this sense of belonging, I feel among each time we're out for Promotion. The joy and happiness that I'm always having is nothing I can write about. If you're a promoter and you do go out for roadshow just check around, you'll notice some changes in your body, you'll notice the freshness in you. That's my more reason I can't stop promoting Steemit, I wish everyone could do same

I want to thank everyone promoter who always take upon themselves in promoting Steemit. Definitely, Steemit is worth promoting. My special thanks goes to this fellowing promoters; @deqeen, @chichieze, @nsikakedem, @akpan, @prudent85, @mesola, @goodybest. Thank you all for making out time for the Roadshow.

Best regards to @steemalive, @ngoenyi, @focusnow, @benton3, @ijelady

My Achievement1 Link

 3 years ago 

This is wonderful, you are doing very great in Promoting Steemit, keep it up

Thank you for ma for the lead. I'm just trying to be like you🤗😊

We have supported this post. Keep on making great content in our community. Always check @steemalive for community updates. Thank you being an active member.

Nice work! Please keep my own share of the food!!

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