ProWriters Hub Week 6: My dreams for a better world | by @justiceanietie

in SteemAlive2 years ago

This is another wonderful contest to be engaged on. I trust we all are doing great. On that note, i will be discussing on the topic "My dreams for a better world" and this can be seen below:

My dreams for a better world



Dreaming for a better world is a thing i know everybody will love to dreamed for, especially when you see yourself in a country like Nigeria my own country where broken marriages are the talk of the day, unemployment rates increased yearly, People are no more confident of being secured, our economy currency is been way down, no standard educational system because of bribe. All these are because of corrupt leaders.

Corrupt Leaders



Our incumbent President came with the slogan Change, he emphasis on how our country Nigeria can become a better place again where all the above problems can be taken care of!

He tried his best in implementing some of the scheme like NASIMs where have NHGSFP, N-POWER etc in order to reduce unemployment in the country through those schemes.

He identified the major points in which the country can be change by saying that CHANGE START FROM YOU! This statement is very critical in the sense that when it is looked upon, we can say the statement is true.

The major problem we are having is; the masses are looking to see the changed which was promised from our top leaders while individuals from our local environs still takes bribe, and still involves in criminal act! This is the reason why, if we must see changed, it must first begins with one's selves!

The government despite their lapses, there are still looking at what the citizens do and agreed upon. If we can can stand by the truth and forsake lies, then our government will never have an option than to join us.

Poor Educational System

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The major reasons why our educational system is down is because of incompetent teachers/lecturers.

Today student don't want to study believing they are going to sort for the course and have their "A". This is what is eating up the educational system in Nigeria.

How can someone who never had time to study during his schooling days now became a lecturer? What impact will he make for the society at large? These are what we need to considered before making and taking decisions of building our educational system.

During my final year, many lectures from different departments don't have time to look at what their assigned students are writing concerning Project. All they have to say is; write from chapter 1 to 5 and submit with #10,000, #20,0000 #5,000 etc.

The reason of this is because the lecturers who thought this present lectures equally don't know how to write a project, so they have to collect money.


Now tell me how our educational system will be of standard. This is in line with the corrupt leaders we have in our country, society, school, church, family etc.

For our educational system to come back to standard, we need qualified teacher who don't take bribe from both sex, sex girls for marks and and always make their selves available whenever they have lectures.

This will help our country to be a better place and our better world that we have been dreaming will be established. Thanks for your time.


You are right. One cannot give what he has not. A lecturer that was not well supervised in his days as a project student cannot supervise others.

 2 years ago 

yeah totally true indeedour corrupt leaders as he said had done much harm to us the citizen and many other indeed the lectural will only give what he has our leaders has done more wickedness and also destroyed many future

 2 years ago 

Our educational system is down on the ground. Infact, who knows what will be the fate of the children of the future generations. Corruption keeps on multiplying.

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 2 years ago 

yeah the education system in Nigeria is really poor and also has hinder the growth of many Childers our bad leaders has cause much harm time the citizens and this has lead to death of many citizens at large

 2 years ago 

yeah what you said about our wicked leaders are all true this people has done things that have lead to many death and also hardship in our society today also the poor education system has made many students loos hope and also hinder their growth

Today student don't want to study believing they are going to sort for the course and have their "A". This is what is eating up the educational system in Nigeria.

How can someone who never had time to study during his schooling days now became a lecturer?

this is all true many lecturals aren't even intelligent and brilliant the just firce themselves into teaching indeed I will also appreciate to fir telling us this keep it up

Thanks bro

 2 years ago 

yeah you are welcome you really have dine Noble and I love that indeed you have teacy mrmany things that have e impact more knowledge friend keep it up

You are always welcome to my blog.

 2 years ago (edited)

Th Educational sector in our country is really going down because of some wicked activities that people in charge of those carry out. People today now believe that Education is a scam with so many proofs

 2 years ago 

Our incumbent President came with the slogan Change, he emphasis on how our country Nigeria can become a better place again where all the above problems can be taken care of!

And it has really changed oooo, once healthy individuals are now looking like HIV/AIDS stricken beings

The world in general has been ruined beyond repay, what more could one necessarily ask for than plead God's intervention


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