A piece of advice

in SteemAlive3 years ago (edited)

Hey guys, how are you doing today, well I'm fine and I just wanted to drop this piece of advice here for you, ponder on it and do what you seem fit.

There is life and death in the power of your tongue. What are you choosing to speak over yourself today?

Well that question goes for you as well as me. Have you ever stopped to think that your present situation or stat is as a result of what you have said or proclaimed over yourself? Believe me when i say the words we speak has so much power in them. My bible tells me a lot about spoken words; This whole world was created by the spoken words of God.

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
Genesis 1:3

'And God said'.... All He had to do was to say and it was, He spoke the words and they came to life. This shows that there is power in our tongue, so instead of misusing it, why not speak something positive over you life, no matter your situation, refrain from speaking negative words and watch your life turn around for good. Everything has a source, so does our words.... Let me show you

....... for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
Mathew 12:34

The words you speak, in jokes or in seriousness comes from your heart/mind, your thinking center. Like it or not, you become what you think of, when you think it, you'll speak it, and when you speak it, it becomes. Change your thoughts to be on the positive side.



Thank you and stay safe.


@justice009 , you are an inspirational speaker.

Of course one has to be mindful of things/words that comes out of your mouth. There is power in the tongue.

Thank you so much for your inspirational words....

You're welcome, the pleasure is mine.

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