THE DIARY GAME: A TRIP TO THE UNIVERSITY OF IBADAN| JANUARY 9 2022|“All4one (100%payout to Steemalive)”
Hello steemites, Good evening. I hope today brought alot of greatness and happiness. I would like to share a whole lot on how I spent my day.
Yesterday, being the 8th day in the year 2022, I decided to pay a family friend a visit at the University of ibadan. I have been in there almost since morning. When I got there, I notice there was a domestic work on ground which I helped in doing,After a while I had some rest for few clocks and woke up few time later, I decided to listen to one of the the Gospel message on TV which was tagged Living in God's best for you. Below is the few words on it.
Our bible text is taken from the holy book of Luke 17.
There is one thing that makes believer from making progress.
it can stop believer from making progress. it is when we carry offense in our mind. some unconsciously. The number of believer goes to church with offense and this has held so many bound and they have done what they can possibly do
Luke 17:1 KJV
it is impossible but that offenses will not come but woe to anyone through who they come
we are bound to offenses. Things that cause people to fall,they are bound to happen.
Always know that it is impossible that you will live a life without people offend us. Why many people still live in offense is because they still don't believe that it is impossible to offend.
Offenses come from people close to you. Reason why believers are stagnant is because they hold to offense.2cor 2:10-11.Satan outsmart us because of our ignorance relating to offense
It can bring sickness, stagnation,poverty because they have offense in their mind.
People carries offense for years and they don't know. Get rid of all Offense so you can move forward
Offense can drop you to the lowest point in life.
The only thing you can do to overcome malice and offenses is understanding that every body is bound to be offended.
After the visit on my way, I took a picture in memorial of the day
Wow,I really had fun reading through your post.
Thank you