"Looking Back 11 years(2010 to 2021): My Near Heart Break Syndrome. 10 % to steemalive #club75

in SteemAlive3 years ago (edited)


We have a lot of stories to share in our lives, both past and present, some of this stories are actually funny when remembered, some actually brings back emotional pains when remembered, why some actually open our eyes to the mistakes and foolishness of young age we practiced, well this my story is a funny tale, that made me laugh,angry and jealousy at once, it a tale of my first university crush 11 years ago.

My first Crush in my 100level

my outfit to school the first time i noticed

Hurry I screamed at my friend, we had our HOD's class that morning, and he wasn't friendly to people who came late to his class, it was monday again and we where excited to be in class, not because i loved my course, but because I kind of fancied my course mate Austin, he was tall and handsome, and the type of guy I wanted to be seen around with, we got to school that morning and I hurridly left my friend Mercy, and moved to the front seat cause he always loved sitting at the front, for rapid concentration, l bet he was a bright student.

As he sat besides me, I quickly said a hi to him, but his cold attitude to me, was a complete turn off, I simply shrugged my shoulders and concentrated on the lecture.

This happened for quite a time, I tried initiating a conversation between us so that I could spark up something, but Austin always greeted my efforts with either a cold shoulder or a non chalant attitude.

I remember those days, I would always put on my best dress that was well ironed and beautiful, all this efforts was just to get his attention to me, he was a really nice guy, we did assignments and seminar defence in year one together, but when it comes to how i feel towards him , he became suddenly blind as he could not read the handwritings on the wall.

Austin frustrated me, so much during my 100l, he never paid attention to the green lights, i was giving him, and I just couldn't help myself, I thought of him every day, and prayed that we could become closer with time, but it looked like the heavens were shut to my request.

We had a semester break, and most of us travelled, I went home, and decided to rest more and eat healthy, to gain some fat in the right places, maybe just maybe I would finally have my desires granted, as advised by my friend mercy, but oops, you know the saying that says, its not who works harder but who works smarter, that was my predicament, before I could leave my fatting room back to school, the worst and most painful thing happened.

I got back to school and began hearing rumours of Austin been entangled with my level mate Jesicca, I have never experienced heart break, but l could say l had a near heart break syndrome.

me and Austin's girl friend back then in school.

I just had to put on my big girls pant, and made friends with her. At that point I got over my emotion and till date we all remained good friends.

some pictures from by first year in school







Wow am glad ur heart is this intact. Well I can see the fat sha

Lol. Thanks

 3 years ago 

to gain some fat in the right places

This really got my attention and I laughed 😆.
I see courage in your write up.
Not every girl will write about her crush especially when nothing happened afterwards.
But it was good you rested and also ate well on Autin's account.
Best of luck


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Thank you very much @steemalive

Wooo!! This must have been very memorable for you😀
Though you were kinda young then you still had your feelings in check..
Kudos to you!

I enjoyed reading your story

Thank you very much.

Austin frustrated you? 😃😂
I just hope I'm here also frustrating someone's daughter somewhere, someplace so she can blog about me in the nearest future 😋😎

This is great...
Memories spark up something from within

Success in the contest all the way

Hahahahahaha ! there is God oooo !

Chaii, when we Ada was a girl. Making a guy know you want her isn't bad just that majority of them tend to abuse your love. It's well.

Lol, very true

 3 years ago 

This is lovely but you didn't need to go extra miles to impress a guy but I know it was back then and thanks for sharing with us dear. I wish Austin to see this dear but all the same, good luck dear in this contest.

Lol. We where young then. Thats 11 years ago

 3 years ago 

Hahaha, near heart break indeed.

So did you ask Austin's girl how it began?

Thank God you actually got over it.

Thank you for sharing with us.

No did not ask her. What you don't know wouldn't hurt

 3 years ago 

Ok ooo, that's beautiful

 3 years ago 

It is good to enjoy life at early age but sometimes the disappointment is more than the enjoyment, thank you for sharing your experience with us

I really appreciate your kind words. 11 years is really a long time. Thank we done big pass those stuffs. Lol

 3 years ago 

Yesoo, life is stage by stage

 3 years ago 

Something similar happened to my friend too, not knowing her course mate was also wishing and praying to be with her, all I can tell you is God will give you someone that will value, love and respect you more than anything else, I love youcourage,

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