WriteAlright 2.0 | Stay Healthy: By drinking enough alkaline Water! | Part 2 by janeo42

in SteemAlive2 years ago

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Hello there, welcome to my blog. I will be writing on the topic called "water". This is the second of a three part series. Stay tuned and enjoy yourself.

What is Acidic Water?


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An acidic water is a water that has a low pH scale. The pH scale is an instrument that is used to measure the degree at which water becomes acidic or alkalinic in nature.

Any time the water is below 7, it is seen that the water is acidic. However, the when water is between a pH scale of 6.5 and 7.5, it is seen to be okay for consumption.

Water with a pH scale of <6.5 is seen to be very acidic. This scaling level make the water have potentially dangerous side effects when consumed that are not desirable.

Water that have a low pH scale can be caused by so many factors. These causes can be grouped into natural and industrial causes.

1. Natural Causes

Natural causes of acidic water are from things of nature. They can come in the form acid rain or soil microbes, tree roots, and rock formations that bring about acids which affects the water around it.

2. Industrial Causes

Industrial causes of acidic water are from the activities of areas where Industrial operations are ongoing. Places like mining sites, chemical dumps, power plants, etc usually have water with low pH because dumps of wastes are carried out there.

Why we should avoid it

Acidic water is not good for the body because of it acidic nature. Also, they can have metallic deposits in them due to them rusting and breaking into the water. These metal can cause damages to the organs in the body.

It can also lead to different diseases which fall under a group name called heavy metal poisoning. They are

  • Having Diarrhea
  • Experiencing shortness of breath
  • Having a suppression to the immune system
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea and vomiting

All these can go on to lead to developmental delays (especially in children), respiratory disorder, behavioural issues, etc.

Drinking acidic water is also bad for the teeth. Taking it affects the enamel. This can cause cavities and tooth decays.

It is bad for the bones in the body. This is because drinking acidic water prevent the bones from absorbing calcium necessary for it to function properly. This in turn leads to weaker bones and loss of bones overtime.

What is Alkaline Water


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Alkaline Water is a water that has a pH scale of more than 7. As I stated previously, the pH scale for 'normal' water is between 6.5 - 7.5. Therefore, alkaline water has a pH scale of more than 7.5.

Other things that make water to be alkalinic in nature is that it must contain alkalinic minerals and a negative oxidation-reducing potential (ORP).

Why we should have enough of it

Though a lot of research is still needed to confirm the overall benefits of alkaline water, there are still some proposed benefits that alkaline gives to the body.

It has liquid antioxidants that absorbs very quickly in the body which acts as pro-aging properties. It has properties that serves as colon cleansers.

It also has properties related to the health of the skin, detoxification, and hydration. It helps in weight loss.

It can act as a support to the immune system and can become a strong resistance to the development of cancer.

 2 years ago 

Greetings @janeo42,

This is a detailed work which followed the route of proper research.You have succeded in telling us about acidic water and the dangers of taking it.

Alkaline water which has a hydrogen potential of above 7.0 has proven to be better off,given the fact that keeps the skin in good order,cleanses the colon and helps to mop out free radicals.


Yes Sir @samuel20,

I did some research before preparing the write-up.

Through that I was able to see a lot of benefits of alkaline water and a lot of risks using acidic water.

Thanks for your prompt review.

 2 years ago 

You have done well in showing us why we need to drink more of alkaline water, acidic water is dangerous to health and need to be avoided

Yes acidic water is dangerous to our health and alkaline water is helpful to our system.

Thank you Ma'am for going through my write-up.

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much

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