Psychology (proper understanding of it)

in SteemAlive2 years ago



Good morning all,
Today I learnt something new about what I have written before from school today, school is fun but sometimes stressful due to the fake rumors in school about where lectures are been held, people are actually funny in this life, what people do for front seat 😁😁😁, anyway let me go to what I want to write about today which is psychology.

Body of text

Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior as we all know, but here is what I learnt is that this meaning was gotten from two greek words which are;
Logia --- speech, word or reason
psyche --- soul
From the greek words you can see how the meaning came about, which now leads to,

Why do we study psychology ?

We all as human study psychology to determine human behavior so as for us to advance in life, because if a setting behavior is identified in a child [good behavior] it should be nourished properly and eliminate the bad ones, and that only happens when psychology is applied through test.

Psychological test


Psychologic test are tests been carried out to find out human behavior there are various test and I will be mentioning the tests I was been thought but not practical though.

1. Aptitude test

Aptitude test is an important test in identify human behavior, it's actually used to identify someone high or low level iq[understanding capacity]. According to my professor he said it is hereditary, but I do disagree with what he said at one point which is, >"someone iq is based on his or her parents iq mainly the host(the man)" I don't deny the fact that it will be alot easier for someone with parents with iq but it doesn't mean if your parents might not have high iq but you can still grow yours, if you agree with me comment below.

2. 16pf

16pf is another test in psychology it stands for 16 personality factor questionnaire, it is a series of questions been asked to evaluate behavioural and environmental traits and attitudes in a person


MMPI stands for Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory, it is a test been carried out to measure certain variable in human behavior.

4. Sentence compilation test SCI

Are classes of semi structured projective tests used to identify hidden feelings in a human, like, I believe it's used on criminals .



It's finally the end of what I studied in school under psy111, I hope you learnt from it as I did, thanks for reading my blog post.

 2 years ago (edited)

Hello @jammyroberts,

You have really given us a tutorial on psychology.I believe high I.Q is hereditary.The truth is that one can still develop himself through hardwork.

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