Goals and supplements| Betterlife with steem| STEEMALIVE| 💯% payout to steemalive (All4one)

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)


Hey steemians,

I have been out for a while because of data issues but am back today with another post, which brings to your mind the difference between goals and supplements to achieve your goals, if you want to know about this, please read till the end,

Today, rather Saturday when I didn't have data I was asking myself if I had data for the past days I haven't had data, what will I post about when I come back online on steemit, I thought and I thought no answer, I went to church on Sunday came back, still didn't know what to do so I picked up a book to read, I read and I had ideas to post but not this one, yesterday being Monday I finally got what to post thanks GOD, I wonder why people chase the other things of life without chasing the main purpose which will eventually bring what your chasing now.

Money is chased by wide range of money but the truth is money is only effectively used if a goal attached to it, wisdom comes as a result of studying towards your goal, wealth (genuine) which contains all in life like health,money, good relationship and many more also comes from a goal. Goals are the purpose we live in life in this context am writing about, goals are been followed more with the supplements of life which happens to be the money, wisdom, wealth etc that simply means it will produce those in sequence of time, but recently people get confused and throw away their goals to follow other people goals because that is what is paying now, they don't think about later, what if your goal was the next paying idea and you never tried it, some have tried and said there are limitations so I can do that or it's too simple so I can't charge people for that, I actually don't know who told you it's too simple, just because is to simple doesn't make it simple to everyone, some people might not like your work but still it is said another man's food is not man's poison and vice versa, so please steemians/readers chase your goals and other areas of your life will grow and the supplements of life will be added, have you come to think of money you didn't have anything in mind for or you didn't plan for it's been spent wastefully because there is no goal behind it, it simply means money is useless without goals, you might be saying your mind i will enjoy the money and buy beautiful things as people say "I wan faji too na" since there was no goal behind it, it will finish and there won't be any money to faji or enjoy, but your goals will produce more.

It leads to another question, how do I identify my goals because people find it hard this days, buy that is another post for tomorrow, come online and check it out am sure you love it thanks for reading.

If you loved my post you can kindly upvotes and share your comments below and also checkout for more of my writings thanks, if you do have any question you can comment below too, love you all.


 2 years ago 

Hello, dearest friend, thanks for sharing such a useful content in @steemalive
We appreciate you and hope to read more of your quality post .

Thanks @jueco for your opinion

 2 years ago 

Keep producing good contents like this one friend. I so much learnt from your post. Keep blogging so that you can join the winners.

This is a great piece, I agree with you @jammyroberts one must always have goals to pursue and act on in other not to engage in wasteful spending.

We have supported this post. Keep on making great content in our community. Always check @steemalive for community updates. Thank you being an active member.


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