The diary game season 3, 14th May 2021, birthday celebrations.

in SteemAlive3 years ago
It was on Friday 14th May 2021 that my son and my sister @dlioness add one plus to their years. It was a very big joy to me and my family that these children are alive in the midst of the living and on the land of the living.

20210514_152451.jpgmy son

I could not hold my joy as i woke up very early in the morning to put my house in order. I made invitations to very few family friends to join me and celebrate them.

I made little breakfast which my family took and got ready for the main event. After the breakfast, i proceeded in preparing the dish for the day which was white rice and sauce.

After that, i sent my sister to a fast food where I ordered for a cake and she went and brought it. With great joy in her heart, she told me how someone just called her and sent a surprising packages to her.

20210514_152226.jpgmy sister

20210514_151817.jpgthe cake

At 2:45pmmy guests started coming and my family gladly welcomed them and we served them food. After that we proceeded to a fast food where we completed the grand finale of the celebration.

IMG-20210515-WA0010.jpgi,my son and my sister

IMG-20210515-WA0009.jpgthe family guests

The celebration ended with joy and happiness and we all went home to our various destinations to the glory of God. Thanks for reading.

 3 years ago 

Thanks for sharing

 3 years ago 

Awnnn. Birthday blessings to them. @jacci

 3 years ago 

In addy to them

happy birthday to you.

 3 years ago 

@mlrequena78 (47),thank you very much but i have not seen your gift ooo

Congratulations to you ma'am

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