SteemAlive Presents: Not-just-Ok ! A 5-Day Writing Challenge. *Emotional story* 10pc to @steemalive

in SteemAlive2 years ago

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Hello everyone, it is my pleasure to welcome you all to read through life story that I am going to share with you through this writing challenge contest, it is so emotional, try to hold your tears so that you can read all the the story.

A crying and suffering mother with 4 kids

In 1953 a bouncing baby girl was born in a family of Ojimmadukaibeya in Imo state to mr and Mrs ojimadukaaku, they loved the baby girl so much and they cared for her so much, when it was time for her to start school, they registered her and send her to school, this young girl grow up looking so beautiful and became attractive to handsome young man in 1973, this young looking handsome man came to her parents and asked for her hand in marriage, this young lady was so happy and she loved the young man so much, after the traditional rite she went home with her husband, at first it was as if the young man can not do with out her but after giving birth to 4 kids, things changed.

That handsome young man turn to a monster, OMO you can't believe what this lady suffered in his hand, according to her story she said

many times he will beat me and the children, many times he will lock us up without food, he will starve us many days, I was crying day in day out with the hope that he will change but it became worst that i have to run with my children to my father's house and he did not care to look for us till the day she told me this painful story.

what happened to the kids and the woman

Well as long as you are breathing, man must wak, the children grow up with out their father and till the death of this woman, he did not come even after her death, what a world, it is like film right, sounds impossible abi, it is true life story of a woman like me and you, after her death the first daughter went out looking for the father and she succeeded in seeing her father but ugly part of the story was that she did not come back alive😭😭😭😭 what a sad story, she died at the age of 22 years, when the news came that she is dead, all the family members selected able Men to go and see but before they could reach they have put her in the grave though uncovered, so painful 😭

please hold your tears as am about to tell you another shocking story, this 4 kids were 3 girls and I boy so the day they went to know what happened to the first daughter, it was that day that their wicked father poisoned the only Son but no one knows until 2 months later he became sick and before they could find out, he died, OMG what is going on, the second daughter who was 18 years then got missing and no body was able to see her till 2021 when she came back to her mama place and tell her long stories after 24 years, it is a long story on its own, what happened to the last daughter, a woman married her to stay in her house and born children for her, she gave birth to 4 children there, she married at age of 14 and today she is 42 years and her first Son is 27 years old.

Moral lesson

Is not all that glitters is gold

Is not everything that is sweet that you can eat.

The heart is treacherous more than anything else, who can know it.

In life sometimes is not what we want that we see, things does not really work out the way we plan it.

What on earth will make that young beautiful lady to believe that the beloved husband will turn to something else.

Be prayerful

Be more careful

Trust in God

Thank you all who patiently read my story about

  • The Young woman is mummy Jimmy

  • The handsome Young Man is Tony

  • The first daughter is who knows

  • First Son Ọzọ emela

  • Second daughter is miracle

  • Last daughter is God's Time


 2 years ago (edited)

Wait oo, @ijelady, so this is true story? Hmmm, i cant believe this ooo. Anyway, worst things are happening everyday. Satan is accomplishing his aim

 2 years ago 

Yes it happened in my village

This story is pretty touching. This is wickedness in high places. What in God name could have made someone that wicked?

The devil doesn't love us humans. One has to be prayerful.
Thanks ma for sharing.

 2 years ago 

We need to pray for Gods protection

Really touching story

Life is so unpredictable indeed

 2 years ago 

I appreciate

Your story is so touching, I don't know why men are so wicked at first they will pretend to be angels but once they know they have you to themselves the real them will surely come out. They wicked father will surely ripe what he sew, if only the mother of those kids were alive to see her children grown up and prayers is the key to all mothers. Thank you very much for sharing the story with us

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much for reading through this life story

 2 years ago 

What a living shocking story. Honestly, all that glitters is not gold. It calls for one being prayerful and careful enough as you tightly said

 2 years ago 

As I rightly said, thank you so much for making out time to read my story

 2 years ago 

Alright mama, I love your story

What a sad world. Valuable lesson to us young girls to be very careful of the intimate relationship we keep so as not to make life threatening decision

 2 years ago 

Exactly the point, some people are wolf in a sheeplike form

I have taken a great lesson thanks for sharing

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