SteemAlive Presents: Hustle history - share with us some of the jobs/Businesses you did till date. (ALL4ONE) by @ijelady

in SteemAlive3 years ago




It is good to share with you my business experiences I started business at a very young age I can say from infancy because my mom was a business woman she was selling provision so she started early to take us to her shop so all of us learn business at early age, on my own part from age of 13 I started hawking every market day I'll turn one bag of rice inside wheelbarrow and push it round to sell it helps us to make good sales every market day so like that like that it becomes part of me I had a lot of customers I made good sales at that early age and my mother's business grow very fast. I will share with you my personal business experience in this contest since the contest want to know our hustle in life, businesses, jobs, production.

My business experiences, gain and loses


As I mentioned earlier I've done a lot of businesses in this contest I'm going to share my experiences with network marketing companies 3 time I'm going to share other ones with you so the first company I will tell you about the business I did with them is Green world international.I joined Green world company in 2012 as a star3 member, I grow my business to star6 where I qualified for international trip to Dubai, we were 100 persons from Nigeria to Dubai there we enjoyed ourselves for 2 good weeks as super Star, I also qualified for another trip to Dubai but this time I collected product worth 300k it was all good, I moved my business from star6 to star6 where I qualified for a car and they gave me the car, many of my business partner went with me to Calabar to collect the car.

Those that went with me for car award.

The second company was century henyue group.


I joined chymall on August 2019 and it was paying very well at early stage but with time things changed, As a trainer, I did so many seminars in different places like edit Let.


I had all this good friends from edit Eket and the were all doing well in the business that time till December 2020 when the company did upgrade and things changed, the business collapse and many people including me huge some of money.

What I gain and loose from the 2 businesses I mentioned above.

The two businesses I mentioned gave me hope that I will soon be financially independent because I made cool cash in the beginning of the business but wi time I lost it all, all their promises became story, I have to start life all over again but I gained experience in all.

The third business I did which I am still doing now.


On may 20/2015 I joined Edmark Company when I and my team in Green world lost over 15m NGN, I had a term of 2,500 persons and 1,200 active down line but because of the disappointment in Gree world I could not tell them about Edmark Immediately but gradually many of them followed me when they saw that I was determined to succeed in Edmark. I got the name outstanding mama since 2015 because I was outstanding in everything I was doing with the company.

I won this award after dancing competition.

Another award as the best trainer for the year 2020.


I took this picture 2020 during covid-19, I bought the carton of product ₦250,000, I will not forget how much I suffered that day because there was no Keke, I have to take back home which took me 2 hours but my Joy was that I sold all the next week and buy again and again and again.

My experience in Edmark from 2015 till date.


It was an amazing experience, I was 102kg when I joined Edmark but I used their slimming product and reduced to 75kg interesting right. I had the opportunity to attend international training for 2 weeks which 25 countries attended, I was a speaker, a trainer and an outstanding distributor and up till now, I remain outstanding, I will not leave Edmark business because they have an outstanding product which everyone will like to drink.

Edmark business have trained me, skinned me, nothing will make me give up in business no not now, I have visited all the local government in Uyo, the chiefs all because of network marketing and I am ever ready to market anything.



I am now a steemian an outstanding one for that matter, I have done different businesses but no one is like steemit, many businesses promised us residual income but no one gave us residual income but I am seeing residual income in steemit, I am greatful to @benton3 who introduced me to steemit, @steemalive our beloved community thank you for helping me to look back again and see the reason to move forward in steemit.I congratulate you all who participated in this contest too.

Best regards from me @ijelady

Cc, @focusnow

 3 years ago 

First of all, you look beautiful and secondly, I must confess that you are a super woman with these experiences, you didn't give up and you are waxing stronger.
Finally, a big congratulations for your awards especially the dancing competition and I confess that I can't take your dancing video out of my head.
Kudos great Hustler.

 3 years ago 

You really took time to read my post @patience90, don't worry when I have good voting power I will not forget to vote you well, keep being active dear we will make history together

 3 years ago 

💃💃thanks mama

You are truly a networker, I never knew you did green world, please I will come so that you can use that their machine on me

 3 years ago 

I am ever ready to assist everyone, my machine is with me only 5k for a test

Ok ma, let see how it goes

My able Mama. I salute you for your constant progress in hustling despite the challenges that came your way. Better days ahead, ma.

Best wishes

 3 years ago 

Thank you for your time and kindness

 3 years ago 

That name outstanding mama came from somewhere and we have seen the source. All the best in your endeavours.

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much sir for time to read through my post, I appreciate

 3 years ago (edited)

This is amazing. I took time to keenly read this write. They called you.

Outstanding Mama.

I am adding the name A workaholic mama
Or better still Jack of Many Trades
And master in all

I cherish your resilient spirit.

 3 years ago 

Hahaha 😀

 3 years ago 

Being a workaholic is not healthy, nor is it productive. It can cause physical ailments, stress and burnout.

I am not a workaholic please

Your post has been rewarded by @focusnow from @steemcurator04 Account with support from the Steem Community Curation Project.

Keep posting good content and follow @steemitblog for more updates!
Always check your club status and make sure you remain in at least club5050. Thank you

 3 years ago 

I appreciate

Outstanding mama you are indeed. Keep the hope alive.

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