ProWriters-Lifestyle:Introduce your role model to us?

in SteemAlive2 years ago

Screenshot_20220715_220136.jpgI present👆 to you my role model Mr Joseph Danson and his wife


A role model is someone you look up to, to imitate his or her behavior. The person may know you or not. It may be someone you saw online or offline and you admired his qualities so much that you want to imitate him and he became your role model.

In the family, parents are the first role model of their children because they imitate you from day one of their lives. Parents are adviced to always do the right thing so that their children can follow them. In the course of this Contest, i am presenting to you one of my peer who became my role model when he did not know until we came to know ourselves better.

Who is your role model?


J.E.Danson was the first Son of late Mr and Mrs E.E.Danson. He became my role model in 1990 not knowing he was. He use to stay in his father's shop then at Ewet market. He is hard working and the father loved him so much. That time I was staying with my aunty who forced me carry bread around to hawk every morning so each day he buys Bread from me. Since he use to open the shop very early, I will always see him so i said to myself, if this boy will come out this early bring out Rod, Cement and other things for his father let me be patient in hawking the bread that one day it will stop.

Seeing him working hard became a source of energy to me. I didn't know He was a witness and a pioneer and me too a pioneer, one day we had get-together to send a brother off to Bethel service and I saw Danson there with his friends. They were the organizers of the get-together. In me i became more happy that he is one of us.

I wanted to dropout from pioneering because of too much work in my Aunty's house and the pressure from her husband but at the end of the get-together, all the pioneers were asked to come for a meal in a different table and i had the privilege to talk to him for the first time about important thing.

There we now know that we were born the same day/month/year, what a day. Others called us twins and we became friends from that day. I told him and his father what i was passing through and he cited a lot of Bible example for me of those who passed difficult situations but they did not stop giving Jehovah their best.😀

Why I choose Him

I choosed him because his faith in Jehovah, his zeal in doing Jehovah's will was exactly what i needed and it strengthened my faith. Through him i met other peers that had good goals in life and i found myself among peers that infulenced me in a positive way. We are still friends till today.

What has He accomplished in his feild?

When he was with us he was a regular pioneer, later at age of seventeen after acting Josiah's drama, he left for bethel service in 1992 and he served in bethel for 20 years. Right now he is serving where the need is great with his wife.

As an Elder he has helped strengthen some families, encourage young and old to serve Jehovah faithfully.

How has he helped the world or their local community?

He has helped a lot of people to come to accurate knowledge of Jehovah. He has helped people in his Community of service and in his own home town that his name is known to so many people.He has given out a lot of things he has as possession to people. His kind heart and generosity is something all christains should imitate.


I had my age mate as my role model when i was young because he had good quality that i love and cherish.

A lesson for everyone to live a good life because someone is out there imitating what you are doing wether you know or not. From my story you will know that Danson was not aware that his hardwork was having a great impart on me as a hawker then.

As steemiains many steemians are watching us to imitate us. We are role model to thousands out there, may we do only something that will contribute to the growth of steemit and new Steemiains will imitate us.

 2 years ago (edited)

You have chosen your role model well, been an hardworking, kindhearted person and who also love of God are qualities that one's role model should have.

Nice publication.

 2 years ago 

Wow @ijelady,you have made a nice post.

It's good to have patience because no condition is permanent and thanks to God you saw a good example why you should not quit in the works you do for your aunty.

 2 years ago 

Thanks ma, for introducing me Joseph Damson to us as your role model and with this I believe that Mr Joseph Danson is a man worth emulation

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